head & neck clipped our silver buckskin pinto filly

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eagles ring farm

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2006
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cedarville new jersey 08311
can anyone share pictures of newly clipped silver buckskin foals

I expected a lighter body color do they lighten or just run in alot of shades of silver

or could she be smutty? but looks gray rather than brown

Her sire is a smutty Buckskin homozygous for Black

Dam a chestnut pinto who must obviously carry silver (her sire was a silver dapple)

Here she is last week 2 weeks old before clipping



pics in the barn tonight of head and neck clip at 3 weeks old

lights not the best and she is just a little lighter

gray it seems then the pics show but darker than I expected red eye is from the flash



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She looks great! I love silvers
I just clipped my two foals head and necks too but haven't gotten any pictures yet.
Some of my buckskins clip out considerably darker than they will be a couple weeks later when the hair's grown back in more.

A friend told me once to look at the hair underneath the tail along each side of the butt, and that is the "natural" body color. I was told that about 6yrs ago and that's seemed to hold true when I'm trying to figure out the body color on young horses.

By the way, your girl looks great

PS check out this one freshly clipped then a few weeks later... she looked silver bay at first, huh? And another "regular" buckskin I own fresh clipped as a yearling and then a little later




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Any clipped foal pics? silver buckskin pls
I posted a pic of my clipped silver foal on your other thread
Country Charm I loved your colt
on the other thread and was hoping our filly clipped out that color when I saw her dark circles around her eyes but was surprised how dark she clipped out. But I wanted to see what other colrs they could clip out as

Jill thanks so much for the comparison of first clipped and a few weeks later didn't expect they could change so much. Jill I really love your girl too
I'll have to pay attention to the under the tail thing sounds interesting
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My Buckskin pinto when clipped out first in March was really dark chocolate colour , but after a few weeks when her coat grew back a bit she was a nice golden colour ..I think it depends on the time of the year and when her summer coat is coming in !
When clipping horses the color can be deceiving cuz they just don't clip out what their real body color is. You need to wait until the hair grows back to see color. Babies change color in the first year and questionable colors can change a lot. I have a filly I call the horse of many colors as she was red when born, went palomino by the end of the year, body clipped her and she looks silver dapple now. I think her hair is growing back palomino but it is still questionable.
I get the silver part, but I do not see a buckskin. Her mane, tail, legs, and ears do not look black at all to me.
I get the silver part, but I do not see a buckskin. Her mane, tail, legs, and ears do not look black at all to me.
If I understand it correctly silver is a color modifyer not a color

so on a buckskin it does a very light mane and tail sometimes tan-gray

Im not sure which she will show yet I'm thinking gray

If you look at Jills foal above mane and tail are almost white

it is yet for us to see how light she will get when her color comes back

but she is about a cream color unclipped and hopfully will return to that

when the color comes back.

She is pinto and has 3 white stockings and 1 white sock

so if she has any area darker on her legs it will probably only be the one with the sock

Silver buckskins are modified with silver so black points and body color are modified

manes and tails and legs will not be black because of the silver

The same as a silver dapple is really a black horse modified by silver

Please if someone can explain it better. !!! I tend to ramble, not to mention still learning about color genetics and foal colors
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This one is not clipped, but look at the transformation from foal to adult on this silver buckskin mare of mine! And as an adult, the clipped silver buckskin filly I originally posted is colored nearly identical to the mare below

You might also ask Sheryl Stewart / Irish Hills Farm for pictures of "Caramel" bred by Erica Killion. That filly to me looks colored the same as yours and she was silver buckskin. She went through periods where she looked silver dapple but was born colored as yours. Her color was unusual, but she was silver buckskin... Her color is neat and had me guessing differently between silver buckskin and silver dapple for awhile, too!
Well here is a filly of ours out of a stallion and mare ( neither carried cream), and the first photo was taken around 3 months old.

Second was around 6 months old. She turned out silver dapple ( silver/black) after all.


you have me second guessing myself now

we had a silver dapple born 2 years ago and she looked like a chesnut when born

but her mane was silver so I didn't consider that a possibility

Her Sire is a smutty buckskin tested for cream and he is also homozygous for black

Dam is chestbut pinto not tested but obviously now carrys silver as her sire was silver dapple

silver dapple was a small possibility when i did calculator for dam with silver after she was born

So looks like I'm pulling hairs to find out for sure testing for cream

though she is starting to get cream colored hairs back where I clipped her

Thanks so much for the comparisons
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P>Hey<BR>I was thinking about your baby...<BR>Testing for creme.. even is it's positive... doesn't prove buckskin??<BR>Wouldn't you test for agouti? is your stallion homozygous for agouti?<BR>~Sandy</P>
Sandy our stallion is

Heterozygous for Agouti (Aa)

Homozygous for Black (EE)

Single Dilute (nCr)

Silver negative (nn)

which is why I know the silver has to be from the Mare

mare a chestnut pinto

so what tests would I do on the foal to tell I would think cream but anything else?

Thanks everyone for the nice comments and the help on this
Since silver dapples can carry cream (like our stallion, Destiny), I think you want to test both for cream and agouti to determine if she is silver dapple (black + silver dapple), smokey silver dapple black (silver dapple + cream) or silver buckskin (buckskin + silver) (?). If she comes back positive for silver ang agouti but not cream, then she'd be silver bay I think (which looks like a possibility... though I still think most likely she is silver buckskin).
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