Height at maturity

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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2008
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I have a two-year-old Shetland filly who measures 37". She turned 2 in late March. How much more do you think she will grow? Thanks.
Hi: I've heard of couple different methods for predicting height at maturity. The one that seems to be used a lot is where you measure from the fetlock to the elbow with a piece of string. Once you know that length, then place one end of the string on the elbow and swing the other end (the one that was on the fetlock) up into the area of the withers. Depending on how much extra string you have over the current height of the withers, shows you approximately how much more your animal will grow. I hope I explained it so it made sense. It really is easy, but when you try to explain just using the written word.... Or another way of putting it just measure fetlock to elbow, double it and measure from fetlock to ground and add that to the other figure. Good luck. Ta, Shirlee
In Shetlands it depends IMHO on the background of the foal. If she is 37" at a full age 2, she could only go a couple more inches, or she could have late growth spurt and hit 41 or 42".

I have a mare that foals, she generally throws smaller on the fillies and taller on the colts. And it doesn't matter which stallion I throw at her.

Her first foal is 45" (not my stallion), second foal 42", third foal 44", fourth foal is around 40" and is a filly at one. This years foal looks like he could go his sire's height, but then he is the same size as his full sister from last year.

As far as a sure fire method - I don' t know of one for predictions in shetlands.
Thanks for the info. I'm going to go get a string and try that method. And, I will contact the breeder to see how big mom and pop are. It would be really neat to get AMHR papers on her, but only time will tell. Thanks again. Gail
Remember shetlands are measured at the top of the withers, miniatures are measured at the last hairs, so your pony could measure into the B size minis.

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