
We've had her since early December, to begin with she was very nervous and distrusting in the stable (fine in the field) and seems to have had some bad experiences with hands. I assume she's been hit around. In four months, we seem to have totally gained her trust and she doesn't shy from anything and is obsessed with snuffling everything; me, my clothes, the chickens.. she's very sweet and very loving. She developed strangles in January and was very miserable, needed two rounds of antibiotics and has made an excellent recovery, but lost all of her top-line. She lives out, we have plenty of grass and she has access to hay, but eats very little of it. So, getting to the point, she has a lil belly going on. I'd like your opinions on her shape.. Small breeds terrify me as I'm constantly worrying that they're going to get too fat, founder etc.; and I have no point of reference as I've always had cobs and heavy-build horses. I know she has lost condition due to illness, but her tiny shoulder and big belly combination make me nervous! I also remember thinking, when I asked the vet about her condition after the strangles, that yes, her back was sunken, but she still had her belly. The vet didn't comment on the belly, but she was rushed. Can I have some opinions please?
My first photo, in the pink halter, is December, when she arrived. The other photos are from this week.
Thanks in advance!