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Aug 4, 2022
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I am not new to minis or to horses, but I am new to YOUNG horses. I had 2 "big riding horses" for about 20 years (actually pony size because I am under 5' tall), then when 1 of them died, I was given a mini named Lady to borrow as a companion animal. When my horse Chico died, I got 2 mini donkeys as companions for Lady. Lady was at my mini farm for 17 years before she passed away at 28 years old. Last October, after looking for 6 months for ONE, MIDDLE AGE MARE, I ended up with 2 YOUNG MALE MINIS !! One is 8 years old (he wasn't gelded at the time) and one 4 years old! I had wanted only 1 mini, because my little barn had only 2 stalls and a grain room. The rescue center I adopted them from would only adopt out 2 at a time, so I got 2. While the 2 of them were in quarantine, I had an addition put on my barn and increased the size of my pasture. WOW, I had no idea how different and challenging this experience would be with young horses. The boys were acquired from different auctions, so I know nothing of their history or experiences. When I got them, they had no manners and were quite unruly. I have had a trainer come about twice a month for the last 6 months just to get them use to being handled and to teach them some manners. Up until June I was still questioning my decision to get the 2 boys. I have always had middle aged, well mannered, quiet horses. These boys are the total opposite! They are so full of energy, play really hard and are fun to watch. They do their stallion thing (up on back legs, butting chests) and take nips at one another, but never hurt each other. When I first witnessed this behavior, I was petrified that there may be blood shed in my back yard. I'm happy to say, that hasn't happened and these 2 young boys have truly bonded with each other and I too have bonded with them. I no longer question my sanity with regard to adopting them and can't imagine not having Rocky, my 34" red roan pinto or Cooper, my 38" blue roan. The searching for 6 months, the cost of an addition to my barn, adding another pasture and hiring a horse trainer was all worth it. I think the boys are great, however, I don't think my female donkeys feel the same way! Anyway, that's my (long) story. I have joined this forum (my first) to glean any information I can about young horse behavior and training. I also have a question. Any suggestions as to what young horses might play with besides the jolly ball? Apparently, they are terrified of balls, so I need alternatives. Thanks
Welcome to the forums @1roadtoad, love the handle! I hope that you've gotten your boys gelded in the time since they've come to your care as they certainly can breed with donkeys.
I adore young horses. I won't get a broke horse if it's for me to ride. I like to know exactly what the horses know or don't know. The minis have been a fantastic adventure for me as well and yes, they're so much fun to watch!! You can never have a day without smiling and laughing with littles around.
You'll find the group to be very welcoming and full of excellent advice and relevant experience. I've learned so much here myself.

Hi and welcome!
Your place sounds like a lot of fun and excitement going on. I also enjoy watching the minis run and play together. Do your mini donkeys play with each other? My experience with male mini donkeys are hilarious. At a ranch I volunteer at, they are in the same pen with mini horses but the horses don't play with them.
There is a thread titled Do you use balls or toys? that may help you answer your question.
Will you post pictures? We all love to see pictures of each others horses, donkeys, etc 😁
Hi to you as well. My mini donkeys do play together, but they are not or have they ever played as roughly as these boys play. The mini donks are 1/2 sisters (same father) who have never been without each other. They are both 11 years old now (I've had them since they were 1) and they are inseparable, literally! They typically move around the pasture leaning on one another or touching each other somehow. At times, one will put her head on the others back and they literally move around as if they were one donkey. When I got the boys (mini horses) I was afraid that they might hurt my girls. I'm happy to say that my concerns about that, did not come to fruition. The boys do try to get the girls riled up now and then, but the girls just ignore them or let them know that they don't appreciate the attention, by giving the boys a little chin bump with their butts. It's funny to watch this happen. Thanks for the information on the thread about toys, I will take a look.
I may post pictures if I can figure out how to do it. This is my first experience with any kind of forum, I don't even use any social media, so I have to figure out how to move around in this space. Thanks for the welcome.
Welcome to the forum. Can you share some pics of your horses?:)
Thanks for the comments about my mini equines. Yes, I also think that their adorable. The picture of my girls (the donks) doesn't actually do them justice. The donkey on the right, Willow is very cute, but the picture I posted makes her look a bit cross eyed. In fact, if she knew I posted that photo, she probably wouldn't be happy with me!
Thanks for the comments about my mini equines. Yes, I also think that their adorable. The picture of my girls (the donks) doesn't actually do them justice. The donkey on the right, Willow is very cute, but the picture I posted makes her look a bit cross eyed. In fact, if she knew I posted that photo, she probably wouldn't be happy with me!
They're so beautiful. Willow is still cute in that picture. Isn't she just glancing to copy Charlotte's pose?

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