HELP!!! Breeder Alert driving me crazy

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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This thing is going to drive me nuts.
: It doesn't matter what the mare is doing it keeps going off. I might get a 30 second break then it goes off again. She can be eating, drinking, standing, sleeping, the wind blowing, doesn't matter I have finally just turned it off and keep checking her on the monitor.

Does anyone have any idea why its doing this? I haven't had trouble like this before. The mare is due anytime now and I'm REALLY worried that I won't be there.

Robin, do you have another transmitter you could put on the mare? I've found that some of my transmitters are a lot more sensitive than others.
I have also found that sometimes it does that when the battery needs changing or if the transmitter is in upside down. You might check to make certain.
Double check to make sure the box is positioned properly in the pouch, as shown by arrows. If it is upside down it won't work properly. Also, if it is dangling quite loose, that too will cause it to go off almost non-stop. Take a piece of Vet wrap and wrap the pouch tight to the halter strap so it does not swing, and make sure the halter is nug on the mare. Good Luck!
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ditto everyone else, but do check batteries. Have had that happen before. And I've started just duct taping my transmitters (inside a zip baggie) to a regular halter that fits better. Again, make sure it is positioned correctly.

Let us know what you find out please. It might help someone else down the road.

My breeder Alert Transmitter attaches to a regular halter. What type does not? I am having a similar problem with one that has a short in it. I have another on order finally. I find it real hard to make contact with this company. Line busy or fax not working.
ditto everyone else, but do check batteries. Have had that happen before. And I've started just duct taping my transmitters (inside a zip baggie) to a regular halter that fits better. Again, make sure it is positioned correctly.

Let us know what you find out please. It might help someone else down the road.

I do the same thing I put some tape and then some vet wrap (to make it more squishy and comfortable for the mare) seems to irriate them less when it is done this way.

Check the arrows I put mine in backwards now.. I have to look at it to see what way that is I think they tell you to put the light facing the nose not the chest and arrows down? I put mine arrows down and lite to the chest

Again I think I have to look at it. I just know years ago someone suggested doing it backwards and it gave me much less false alarms.

And of course THANK GOODNESS FOR TONY who told me about the re set button I LOVE THAT FEATURE- so they can sleep and you can go back to bed once you realize they are napping ..

Some of the older pouches must have come with special halters I bought some used and they dont have the velcro straps just a odd slit thing that you cant really put on unless you have a halter that comes apart there .. which is what made me start the duct tape and vet wrap thing.. and then I liked it so much and my mares seemed more comfortable so now i do it to even those with the velcro straps I just take them out and wrap away :)
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Ok, its a new battery, I have it duct taped so there is very little play if any. The transmitter is in correctly.

I do have another transmitter so will try switching.

Lisa , if that doesn't work I will try your idea of doing things backwards.

She is rubbing on the stall like crazy this morning and biting/kicking so I don't think I have too much longer to go. Her due date is 3/15. I had clipped her belly earlier for the baby but did a whole body clip on her yesterday. We have been in the 90's here and its staying that way. :new_shocked: :new_shocked:

Thanks for all the advice , will let you know if the other transmitter works better.


Tony, Lisa, what reset button????????

Good luck with the arrival of the new foal! I believe Tony and Lisa were likely referring to the reset button on the pager??
yes on the pager. I used to wake up see the mare was sleeping and then have to stay awake until she woke up so I could turn the pager back on.. many times I never stayed awake the whole time :new_shocked:

But then tony told us about the pager.. if you hold the button down for 60 seconds.. then you can go back to sleep and it wont go off again (even if mare is laying down flat) until she gets up and then lays down flat again

It saved my sanity!!!!

I changed the transmitter, put in a new battery, put the transmitter in backwards and she is eating out of her bucket and the alarm in NOT going off!!!!!!!!!

You saved my sanity and more than likely the baby. :worshippy: :worshippy: :worshippy:

Oh very good, and I have had mine for years and didnt know about the reset thing- I just stayed awake til she was ready to get up, then reset it and .............. Sheesh!

Also, mine was overly sensitive from the start it seemed. (mine has good batteries and is in the right way) What I did to fix that was to attach a small string from the back of it so it hangs more level. Worked like a charm and still goes off when needed.

That's ok Robin- I was up all night last night even WITHOUT the pager going off at all as she never laid down for the 2nd night in a row. However, she was cramping so badly and stomping her feet and switching her tail that I was a nervous wreck and could not sleep more than 30 minutes at a time!! Cripes, what good is the Alert? LOL
We have been using Breeder Alert for years and after complaining to the company a couple of years ago, sent our old transmitters in and had them changed to a 15-20 second duration before you could reset the beeper. This helped tremendously.

This year I just couldn't handle the beeper anymore and bought the foal alert. I sewed my first one in yesterday and actually got a decent nights sleep. I still use the Breeder Alert if I know for a fact that the mare's is about to foal, but a good nights sleep is a great thing.

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