Help! Is my rescue mini pregnant?

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Apr 29, 2017
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i got misty in August 2016. I have owned her for 262 days. She was extremely thin. You could see her hip bones and her back bone was at least an inch above her back. It's unclear as to when she was exposed to a stud. Seems to maybe be 30-60 days prior to me getting her... And she miss carried a few months prior to that. Can't really get a straight answer from anyone!

She has been under a blanket all winter and she grew a wooly mammoth coat over the winter so I could not see her belly since maybe October.

When she finally started shedding out I thought she was looking great. Then I decided to start her on rice bran for a few weeks and after a few days I told the kids to stop feeding it to her as she looked fat all of a sudden but they said they had not even opened the bag yet. So that was interesting but I didn't think anymore about it until a week later she was really grumpy with my granddaughter when she was brushing her. Misty kept turning her butt to her like she was going to kick her but didn't. I thought maybe she was just coming into heat. A day later I noticed she had liquid coming out of on nipple. I also thought I seen movement but have never actually felt it.

Now it's 30 days later... Vet said she was to small for him to palp or ultrasound, wee foal said negative but it also says it's not accurate after 300 days.

She appears to be rounder in the past week and a half... I don't know if I just am hoping she is and seeing what I want to see. Any opinions are appreciated!


If you can get a picture from behind, it would help. Get down to her level to take the picture.

Can definitely see a difference in the top two pics, but really can be hard to tell pregnant or not with pics.
Not sure either of these will work. My phone won't to them to the iPad! If not I will add new ones in the morning!


Good angle on that bottom one. How recent is it? When pregnant they are usually lopsided, I don't see that here, but if this was before she started to gain and round out, you wouldn't see it yet
that was taken on 4/19 same time I took the bottom side shot above. I will try to get a new shot this morning.
What a wonderful job you've done with this mare! She looks like a skeleton in the before pics but is gorgeous and healthy looking now.

Considering the dates you posted and looking at these photos I don't think she's pregnant BUT keep watching her for changes and post photos, we may just start seeing something. It's very easy to be fooled by these mares!
In my novice opinion, I don't think she is pregnant either. The people on here have plenty of experience. They are awesome and should be able to give you good answers and advice. She is looking good.
I'll venture to guess she is just filling out after having been in poor shape, she's looking good now.

Not always, but usually, pregnant mares will be lopsided when viewed from behind; she doesn't even stick out past her hips, so either she isn't pregnant or isn't far enough along to show.
Hi Kris3782 IF there are no other symptoms (or problems) that you know of with your mare then I wouldn't worry about it. If you just have a something's not right feeling please discuss it with your Vet asap. As mentioned above hormones can cause it, I know cysts on the ovaries can cause it as well as being a sign of Cushings. Otherwise, in a healthy mare old timers call it "witches milk" worries about it, your mare will be fine. If you do decide to have the Vet examine her please keep us up to date.
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Just wanted to add to what others have said.......You have done a WONDERFUL job bringing your little rescue girl back. KUDDOS.

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