Does anyone have any ideas that can help my mini? Everything was fine with him one day and the next he was lame in all 4 legs, possibly hips and shoulders??? He also walks back on his heels. After a trip to the vet and front hoof x-rays we ruled out founder, at least his coffin bones aren't rotated. He doesn't show pain with the hoof testers either. The only thing that was different in the last 2 years, I tried using a horse mineral block with molassas as a binder. I took it out of the pasture as soon as I noticed his condition, it has been 1 1/2 weeks and he isn't showing much improvement. He is a cubby little guy but not considered obese. I have looked on the internet and do not find anything (other than founder) that would present like this. Anyone have any ideas? I am planning on drawng blood tomorrow for a blood panel, I can't think of anything else I can do.