mini horse mania
Well-Known Member
well- Missy is doing better,she is so sore..and still not eating much...her temp was up a few degrees also -the colt is dehydrated and listless, The vet came out and doctored on mama, and gave her banamine...she had to cut back some of the hair from around the wounds. eeew.... the flies are horrible, and even saw a few maggots...
. the foal is nursing- thank GOD, but is still weak acting. I was instructed to keep the wound clean and open, and give her banamine,which we had some on hand for our boer goats...her skin is crinkled, but i am using salve to help keep it moist..I will be adding foal-lac pellets to his and her feed. The foal just isnt eating enough, and I am so worried about them both. The donkey hasnt messed with the other mares. I was told he was a gentle breeder....the lady I bought him from will get a nice little disappreciative phone call. This has been a poor babies.