HELP - Scours, Stiff gait, depressed

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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My yearling Dandi didn't show up for dinner last night, so I went to find her. She was standing in one of the sheds, and had no interest in food. I put her in the barn with a blanket, gave her some banamine.

This morning she's scoured, not eating, and was down when I went out. I left the stall door open, and she got up and is weak and stiff. Vet is on the way.

Any ideas what this is?
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Sounds like she could have colitis or enteritis. Hopefully your vet will be there soon and can give you a diagnosis that you can treat. Please keep us posted.
I am sorry I have no idea as to what it may be, but I do want to say I sure hope he'll be OK! Good Luck!
Yikes, I hope it isn't enteritis, the horses I know that have had it didn't have happy outcomes (not to scare you, Ruffian, sorry). Sending good thoughts for your filly!
Sorry I can't think of anything with regard to stiff gait but for the scours we would use 911 which is sold in Canada, likely the u.s. but I do not know where in the States.

The 911 product is a "miracle worker" . One bout of runny poop and a dose of 911, the next poop will be normal.

Wishing you good luck with the baby.
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My filly has severe colitis. She's currently down at Michigan State Vet - IV's Plasma, and antibiotics. Vet is "cautiously Optimistic". When they started the IV's within 45 minutes she had urinated, which they said is an excellent sign.

As Stormy suggested (thanks!) They feel the dehydration is causing the stilted gait.

Please keep Dandi in your prayers!!!
Our 14 year old gelding broke with a clostridial colitis in July. His first symptom was severe watery diarrhea. I got that stopped, but the next morning, he was still very depressed, not eating and running a fever of 102+. I didn't know what was going on so I loaded him up and took him to the equine hospital. They diagnosed him there with colitis and started him on IV fluids. He was also given Bio Sponge, Ulcer Guard, Fastrack and I think metronidazole. He spent 3 days there and when he came home I kept him on meds and monitored his fluid intake and kept him eating anything he would. It took about a week but he came around and is fat and happy today. We have no idea why he broke with that. Nothing in his routine had changed and fortunately, none of the horses that live with him came down with it.

I wish you the best with your filly!
Dandi is finally home and well on the road to recovery - thank God!

She tested positive for Potomac Horse Fever. Which I vaccinate for, but the vets there said that there are numerous "families" of PHF, so what I vaccinated for probably wasn't the strain she picked up. Add to that it's very late in the year for it, but they've had several cases this year at this time. While there she also picked up a mild case of pneumonia, and a nasal fungus which makes her breath smell like rotten hamburger. But she should make a full recovery.

Thanks to everybody for their thoughts and kind words!
So glad you were able to quickly get it under control, and Dandi is now on her way to a full recovery! HOORAY!!
I'm SO glad she's feeling better! I was very worried about her!

That was sure scary. I'm glad she's home and has improved so much. I'm keeping her in my prayers and hoping for continued progress.

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