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Casnos Minis

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Willliamsburg, MA
[SIZE=18pt]She's gone from a sweet mare to being scared of everything. I love on her daily, brush her and pick out her hoves everyday also. She doesn't want you to touch her, she used to be good about having her feet picked up,but now she plants them. She pins her ears when it's timed to get groomed. She used to love it. Yesturday was 1 month since she lost her foal. Any suggestions? Have any of you had mares loose a foal and act like this? She used to love the kids touching and fussing over her now she gets the most frightened look on her face when they come near her.[/SIZE]


shes probably coming into regular heat cycles now. This like humans can make a mare sensitive and grouchy.
Just want to second what KayKay said and also give this a bump in case other people have some insight.
I agree with the other posts as a most likely cause, but did had two other thoughts as well. The first is possible parasites. I know it sounds weird, but I had a mare pick them up (we think from a stall at a show we attended) I couldn't figure out why she the entire winter so darn cranky and jumpy. she didn't do anything bad like kick, just acted like she didn't want to be messed with and seemed super sensitive about everything. I was horrified when nice weather came and we clipped her. It looked like a big grey cloud moving across her skin. I took one to the vet and he said he wasn't really sure what it was as it didn't really look like a louse. All I know is I felt horrible she'd been that way for a couple months. She didn't drop weight, didn't have patchy hair spots etc., just aggitated. My second and more likely thought though was neighborhood kids. If it isn't her cycles causing the problems, I would check for the bugs, but I would also keep an eye on the pasture. My farrier brought his son out once and when I went to the other lot to bring in a couple more, I came back to find the kid chasing my two foals around the lot so hard that one of them actually ran into the fence. Needless to say I was highly ticked. The colt was ok, but after that the filly was always a bit leery of being caught. So it might be possible some kids (or weird adults for that matter) could be messing around. Hope whatever it is you are able to figure it out and that things get better.
I agree with the other posts as a most likely cause, but did had two other thoughts as well. The first is possible parasites. I know it sounds weird, but I had a mare pick them up (we think from a stall at a show we attended) I couldn't figure out why she the entire winter so darn cranky and jumpy. she didn't do anything bad like kick, just acted like she didn't want to be messed with and seemed super sensitive about everything. I was horrified when nice weather came and we clipped her. It looked like a big grey cloud moving across her skin. I took one to the vet and he said he wasn't really sure what it was as it didn't really look like a louse. All I know is I felt horrible she'd been that way for a couple months. She didn't drop weight, didn't have patchy hair spots etc., just aggitated. My second and more likely thought though was neighborhood kids. If it isn't her cycles causing the problems, I would check for the bugs, but I would also keep an eye on the pasture. My farrier brought his son out once and when I went to the other lot to bring in a couple more, I came back to find the kid chasing my two foals around the lot so hard that one of them actually ran into the fence. Needless to say I was highly ticked. The colt was ok, but after that the filly was always a bit leery of being caught. So it might be possible some kids (or weird adults for that matter) could be messing around. Hope whatever it is you are able to figure it out and that things get better.

[SIZE=18pt]Thanks everyone.Asfor the message above I know it's not the neighborhood kids. She's in an area were she can't be bothered without anyone noticing that they are in our yard. She's in an area attatched to the barn. The bug thing creeps me out, she has been rubbing her tail, I just wormed her last week, but there were no worms in her poo. She's even afraid of the clippers which she has been clipped by her old owner before with no problems. I had talked with Bonnie before about her, I guess I could call her again. [/SIZE]

Thanks again,

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Just a quick question. What are you feeding her? Is it high in protein? I had a mare that I was feeding up for showing and all that protein didn't sit well with her. She became difficult to handle and be around. I backed her off the protein and in about a week she was doing better. I would definately talk with Bonnie though. There are all kinds of things it could be and Bonnie would be soooo helpful! Good luck!
I"m wondering if she is in pain some how.

Has your vet done an internal by any chance?

IF I didn't know any better, I swear somebody's been messing around with her when you aren't around or has done something to her to cause this behavior. I don't think she's making this up on her own. She's acting all goofy and freaky and there is a reason somewhere. There must be a logical explanation.

How long have you had her?

About 6 years ago my quarter horse went nuts. More than his usual self. He crashed through the galvanized gates and jumped fences and tore his stall down. Turned out he was smelling some buffalo that had gotten loose and was hanging around in the forest a few miles from here. About that same time someone had killed a deer across the road and he was going coo coo from smelling the bloody deer. Taught me never to over look that horses can smell things miles away that we can't.
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[SIZE=18pt]Marty- We've only had her since last September. She was the rescue mare with heaves that came up from Florida. My parents are always home so no on can mess with her. She was fine untill she foaled (foal was still born). The vet checked her the day after she foaled, she was on SMZ's for a week, temp is normal, appitite is excellent, feet aren't warm. When I let her out in the bigger pasture she runs and bucks. She can't be in there too long she doen't like that pasture. She wants to be with the other horses, but I've tried it and she get's mean towards the other 2 minis. She is bigger so I don't leave them alone when i do try them together. I was thinking of trying to find another one around her size so she can have a friend. She used to be on the bottom of the pecking order at her last home.[/SIZE]

Dimimore- I will be getting ahold of Bonnie as soon as I get the money together.

She is rubbing her tail alot. I just wormed them all last week and no one else is having a problem with rubbing. I wormed them with Zimectrin Gold. Should I do a 5 day Safe-guard worming? To see if that help.

I just feel so bad for her. I'm feeding her Trotter, all my horses get that. The vet said it would be good for her especially if she has allergies. Trotter is a 14% complete pellet.

Thanks guys,

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We had a maiden mare that lost her filly last year. It took her 2 months to get her sweet personality back. She was healthy and had her appetite back in a day. She just took long time to get back to her old self.

We had a maiden mare that lost her filly last year. It took her 2 months to get her sweet personality back. She was healthy and had her appetite back in a day. She just took long time to get back to her old self.

[SIZE=18pt]This was her 3rd foal that we know of. The last 2 were alive and healthy. Thanks for the info.[/SIZE]


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