TriggynBluenDaisy Too
Ventrolin detangler (I buy by the case) I like even better than Cowboy Magic and I think smells better and does just as good a job of detangling. It absorbs into the hair quickly and doesn't pick up dust and dirt. WD-40 I prefer to save for use on non-living things.
One from Rob I remember as being one I use all the time...to move those heavy rubber mats use vice grips for handles. Makes it really easy to pull them around and put them where you want.
To cut bailing twine without a knife, run another piece of twine under the one you want to cut and see-saw back and forth. The heat from the friction will break the nylon.
Another tip from a forum member although I can't remember to credit, sorry. To cool down your hot clipper blades set them on a heavy piece of steel. It pulls the heat out of them long before your next set gets warm.
I have 6-70 qt water buckets to clean once a week so rather than bleach, which is hard to rinse off and leaves residue, I line them up and in the first one put about a half a cap full of betadine surgical scrub with about 3 gallons of water, scrub the first one, then dump the soapy contents into the second, scrub and so on down the line. When I get to the end I go back and rinse them out easily and refill. They are totally disinfected and it keeps the algae down as good as the bleach--at least in my part of the country.
I use a Maximus hair straightener on my mini who has a wildly poofy do. Makes him look so handsome and it lasted about a week before he frizzed back up due the humidity.
One from Rob I remember as being one I use all the time...to move those heavy rubber mats use vice grips for handles. Makes it really easy to pull them around and put them where you want.
To cut bailing twine without a knife, run another piece of twine under the one you want to cut and see-saw back and forth. The heat from the friction will break the nylon.
Another tip from a forum member although I can't remember to credit, sorry. To cool down your hot clipper blades set them on a heavy piece of steel. It pulls the heat out of them long before your next set gets warm.
I have 6-70 qt water buckets to clean once a week so rather than bleach, which is hard to rinse off and leaves residue, I line them up and in the first one put about a half a cap full of betadine surgical scrub with about 3 gallons of water, scrub the first one, then dump the soapy contents into the second, scrub and so on down the line. When I get to the end I go back and rinse them out easily and refill. They are totally disinfected and it keeps the algae down as good as the bleach--at least in my part of the country.
I use a Maximus hair straightener on my mini who has a wildly poofy do. Makes him look so handsome and it lasted about a week before he frizzed back up due the humidity.