Well, well, well, I too went to the dictionary and looked up the definitions. I had not heard of a herd dispersal, coming from the arab world, only reductions. I thought it meant you were selling out and not going to continue, and as a buyer it would benefit you, as a seller not so much. A reduction was just that maybe you want to change your breeding program or just to downsize for whatever reason.
I guess some one could change their mind after advertising a dispersal sale and selling to get back in if times or circumstances change.
No one has a perfect life, and times change, your health starts to go, finances are low, etc. I would think I would start out using the phrase reduction sale, if I had hopes for the future. Not herd dispersal.
Let's look at an example: Dell Tera Farm. We own several of their horses, after J.C Williams passed his daughters had a herd dispersal sale, people flocked there to buy a piece of history. Those horses are worth their weight in gold as there won't be any more. So in my opinion if some one attends a herd dispersal sale offered by a reputable farm they are making an investment.
I feel if a big name farm states they are no longer breeding, just showing then that is what they should do. Period! I think of the buyers that have attended those sales and now the farms are still producing. What about their investments in the bought horses?
Maybe it is just a advertising ploy to get some one to buy, but I feel that is deceptive to the buyers.
More opinions please! Thank you