Here is update (2 days old) colt..

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2008
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK
OOPS!.. I thought this was in Photo/Video Gallery..

If someone can move this thread to right section and that will be fine w/ me.

Here is the update photos and let you know the weather is VERY warm.

it is over 55's today. It is really crazy weather in Oklahoma..

On Friday, It was 72's and on Saturday, Sleet, Snow... Sunday, thicker snow then in the evening melting!!

Today will be high 65's and tomorrow will be 72's... CRAZY!...

Anyway, Here is the photo of him and what color you think he is?

I tried to look at his eyes, I am not sure if he might have tint blue eyes, I have to wait until he is older.

Also trust to come to me and get him spoiled!.. hehe!!...
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He looks solid black to me, and babies often have bluish or greyish eyes that will darken to brown with age.


He's adorable and I think he's black. Congratulations.
He sure is CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!

I'd guess that he's black.....possibly black bay (looking at the reddish fur in his ears).
I agree, solid black. The reddish tint in the ears and on the body is common and may indicate that he is a fading black. Cute baby.
He is a very cute little guy!

I also think he is solid black. But it does look like his eyes are fairly blue. They look about the same that Rosie's looked when she was born.
Not knowing what the sire is....

My guess is grulla. Looks like shoulder barring and possibly a line.......

ETA: the light colored guard hairs in his ears is another characteristic of grulla.
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Oh, he looks very lovable
I say solid black. His baby coat will shed before weaning and he will be much darker, starting with the muzzle

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