Heres whats been going on with me lately

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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2005
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Along with the other crap that is going on, I found out that my place of employment is going out of business. Thats hard news to take especially in Michigan.
Everyone around me is loosing their jobs.
I know I posted about my mom earlier and I didnt even really get into her previous job. Somebody was out to get her. Really. I may post about it later but Im not going to here and now. It will make my post even more all over the place than it is.

Anyway, I qualify for unemployment. I dont like it though. It makes me nervous. For now I think I will train to be a medical transcriptionist and focus more on getting my art going as best as I can. Of course I will look for a job in the mean time but darn thats rough. Im trying to keep a positive attitude and keep moving forward. I feel that is really important. Even when I am feeling down, even acting positive and reminding myself of my goals can help. It seems I go moment by moment. I can be totally fine and then suddenly I am a basket case. I forget things left and right and I am tired a lot. I mean TIRED. Change freaks me out. I know it can often be good and I am very hopeful it will be but there is always that uncertainty.

Well I kept this relatively short. I am positive there was other stuff on my mind but I cant think of it at the moment. Thanks for listening.
Change is hard. Hang in there! (and feel free to "talk" about it here as you need to)
yes, change is hard, but can be good. Best of Luck what ever you choose to do.

I sure hope your art work picks up for you,

keeping busy will take your mind off of things.
Thank you guys for your support. I am trying to remain positive. I am really hoping that this is a good thing and that it will give me a chance to collect myself for the better.
I know it's hard right now, but please stay on the positive side. You are very talented and there is just the right place for you and you will find it! Good thoughts and prayers coming for you and your Mother.
Kaitlin, I wish you the very best for your future. You are a very bright and talented young lady, and I know you'll find the end of the tunnel in short order. HUGS and best wishes...keep a positive attitude as best you can.
I've been made redundant TWICE in the last 12th months, then tried a contracting role as an Insurance Advisor which hasn't worked out - I walked away from it as I was losing money. Right now, I am awaiting an offer in writing for a job, paying more than I wanted after getting a verbal offer on Friday.

So I TOTALLY understand where you are at right now. One minute you are in your "safe place" the next a bill turns up or you look at your bank balance and just disintergrate into a mess. You feel out of control and panicing about how you're gonna survive. The good news is that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to hang in there until you get to it.

The tiredness is stress because you aren't getting enough deep sleep. Your brain is interferring with sleep patterns cause it just won't blimmin stop worrying! Try getting a crystal salt lamp and using it - they really do help. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water too, helps flush out the toxic stuff your body makes while you stressing. Meditation also helps.

What helped me get through:

1. Support of family and freinds - a very important reminder that we need friends, not just fasle hanger-ons.

2. Using it as a chance to take a look and things and realise WHAT I wanted out of life, not just keep going "for the sake of it"

3. Cleaning the house! Believe it or not throwing out a lot of things you don't need anymore is somehow satisfying.......

4. Taking the dog for a walk/teaching minis something new - takes your mind off everything else and reminds you that not all blessings are $$$

5. You sound like you've already done this, but re-assess where you are and decide which direction you want to go. Sounds funny, but when you make that decision and become at peace with what's happened, suddenly the universe/God starts giving you the openings. The HARD part is the waiting.

6. Give your current time to charity/help someone. You'll be surprised how that will help you mentally. You ARE worth something and you CAN contribute to society/world.

All the best for what you are going through. Hang in there. I know you'll make it. Big hugs
Give you more time to contact publishers about

doing pictures for childens books.

I'll bet you can find someone to pay you

for that and work for yourself

Give it some thought

Things will be OK think positive
Fantasia just gave some wonderful advice! Things will turn around! Michigan is tough right now but things have to change soon. Just take it day by day for now and things will become clearer for the direction you need to go. You have a great support group her on LB and you can use us any time you need too! A pm, a post, I know I have used these wonderful people before!!!!


I soooo feel your pain and totally understand what you are going through. I am at the lowest ebb I have ever been in my life and am hanging on by my fingernails, taking everything on faith that soon it will get better. I had a heart attack a year ago with no insurance and have been on unemployment more than worked this last year. We stopped saying "what more could go wrong" because as soon as we said it something more would go wrong. The funny thing was that as something went wrong, it ended up being a blessing. The saying God doesn't close one door without opening another has proved to be so true.

One example is that I went to clean the toilet and realized the toilet had a leak and the bathroom was flooded. The insurance company ripped up the flooring and dried it out and sent me $1000 to repair the bathroom. It was the exact amount I needed to pay the lawyer to file my bankruptcy when I had no spare cash available. We had talked about remodeling the bathroom and by tearing things up they actually helped us start the project. It will take time and we will work as we have money. I had my court date last week and watched my living quarter trailer leave yesterday to be auctioned off but my horses are safe and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

This is trying times for everyone but through my experience I have found a core of steel inside me I didn't know was there. I have always been a strong woman but didn't know just how strong I really am. I have learned to live on so little and have struggled to survive when it looked very bleak. But you know what? I am still standing and they haven't broken me yet. I have had a hard reality check but it has made me a better person. It has focused my attention on what is really important and cut through a lot of BS I took for granted.

Hang in there because it will get better. Be kind to yourself. Find the good things in your life where you maybe never looked before. Surround yourself with good friends. Be open to new opportunities. Good luck and God bless.
Thank you so much everyone. I feel like I should print off everyone's responses and hang them!
I really hate to be the one not being supportive. But, have you been to the DR lately? They are no longer making their little recordings to be transcribed. They carry a laptop from room to room and make all of their notes themselves. Personally, I think someone would do better in the medical field (office) as front office or office assistant. The last DR I saw making notes on a recorder was my Spine Surgeon and that was about 6 years ago. I hope you do find a job. But, I would only want to retrain once.

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