Mini Horse Sore Leg

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Jan 25, 2025
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hello everyone, I am wondering if someone could lead me in the right direction for my mini horse. My mini has a sore hind leg and doesn't like it being touched if it doesn't have to be. she doesn't play and walk around like she usually does. I cannot figure out why her leg is bothering her but whatever it is it causes her pain, she has never had this problem before either. she moves around but takes her a bit to get to where she wants to go if someone could give me advice or lead me in the right direction that'd be great!
I buy mine from the vet. It is a paste in a tube like wormer. Read the instructions for dosage. Mine get the screw turned down just one notch. I always keep some on hand. I don't know about online banamine, as I always get mine from the vet.
Be careful with bute.
Okay thank you very much for your advice, I am working on trying to find a equine vet that is near me.
I'm going against the grain here and saying I don't think just giving a horse medication is a good idea. Sore on one hind leg is unlikely to be laminitis. I would carefully feel the leg for any heat or swelling. Pick out the hoof and make sure there isn't something stuck in there. If you find a spot you might want to clip it and make sure there is no puncture wound. If you have a stall you can put her inside for a few days to rest it. Is she limping or just moving slow? Does squeezing a certain part of her leg cause a reaction? Once you know where the problem is you can treat, and banamine is probably what you will treat the pain with.
Hi Taylor and welcome! I’m sorry to read your mini is having a problem. Is that her in your avatar? She is very pretty!

We are neighbors in a way as we live in the same state. 👋 I’m wondering if she could have slipped and pulled a muscle, or twisted a joint on our hard frozen ground? I’ve had that happen and it took awhile before my mini was fully recovered.

Calling a vet is a wise idea so you know exactly what the problem is and how to help her. 👍

In the meantime, keeping her in a smaller area where she can move but have easy access to water and shelter may help, and you no doubt are already doing that! Like Marsha, I’ve never purchased banamine online but do keep AniPrim in the barn. It works like aspirin and is safe for horses.

Please let us know how she does!
Hi Taylor,
If this was a sudden onset, and rapid progression, it might be a hoof abscess. Terribly common, fortunately usually resolve with minor or minimal assistance. Sometimes they happen without anyone being aware! Unfortunately, they are often very painful for the little dudes. Are you able to localize the pain. Abscesses most commonly identify with the animal only putting the toe down to move - or possibly not weightbearing at all, before it bursts. They almost always rupture around the coronet band. The hoof grows out with a small hole where the abscess was and no further issues.
You can try a warm water and epsom salt soak to help draw the infection out. Won't hurt anyways. Hopefully she recovers soon. Definitely a call to your vet (take her vital signs before you call please) is the best course of action.

Take care!

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