hey, anybody from Mansfield ,Hartville area of Mo?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2007
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My mom is thinking about buying a farm up there, and it sounds like paradise. I noticed some people on the board are from MO. so thought I could get a little inside info. :bgrin

Whats the weather like, people, tornados?. whatever info would be appriciated. Thanks
[SIZE=14pt]I dont live far from Mansfiled about an hour..... That is around an Amish settlement. Seymour is where that is at. You will see them going up and down the side of the Highway...... Very pretty farm country... Our biggest thing is the tornados. And we have a lot of scares with about 3 to 5 really bad ones every year. We had one the 1st of March that killed a little girl and put her whole family in the hospital. Other then that the weather goes like this..... if you dont like it wait 3 days and it will change.... I think we have very mild weather... dosent get TOO cold and dosent get TOO hot... I say it has gotten down to 14 and as high as 101 but that rarely happens. Not sure how the people are in that area. Im only a drive through person on my way to Springfield.[/SIZE]

I think where you're moving from has something to do with whether it's "paradise" or not. I'm in central Mo and, having spent 17 years in Florida, I'm still trying to adjust to the winters. Missouri has some beautiful places and lots of great farms. It's good horse country.
I have vistied that area on sevral occaions I live more in the middle of MO but the weather is pretty much like April said! I did want to add with with that area you will be close to quit a few mini horses shows! 2 In Carthage MO a couple in Ok ect!! Good luck on the home search!

Thanks for the replys, I am currently in N W Florida, moved almost 10 years ago from New Jersey. I like it ok here, it is just getting SO built up SO fast. My mom is the one who would be moving out there, and my family would go back and forth. We would just have a caravan of horses, dogs, cats and kids.

The cold weather would not bother me, NJ had its fair share. It is the tornados that really scare me. We get warnings here in Fl too, but being so close to the coast, I think helps. They seem to form inland more. We just get the occasional water spout but those die off shortly after land fall.

Maybe if we go out there we will live in an underground house, seen a few on HGTV. lol

What do you do with your horses when a tornado is coming? Can they sense them like thunderstorms?

thanks again
[SIZE=14pt]Not much you can do with ANYTHING when it comes to tornados. That one that went through in March took a whole herd of QH... all that was left was the tore up WELDED PIPE fence. At the time they couldnt find them, but I havent hear much else. The Croney family that lost the little girl lost everything. The community is buliding them a new home. They lived in trailer. I also live in one.... but what can you do.... I have lived here all my life and it is as common to me as Hurricanes are to you in Florida. We are not called "Tornando Alley" for nothing.......[/SIZE]


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