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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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In my best "Gilda Radner" (who, btw, was Jewish) ...

never mind.
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Wonderful story!

I find it interesting that people will believe that this dog and this man communicated with each other this way and its wonderful and inspiring, which of course it is.But the same people will say that when I communicate it is the devil doing it or I am communing with evil spirits????

Just curious

Thanks so much for sharing that story!!! I can see Jesus in both the man AND the little dog!!!! Im sitting here in tears of joy and sadness....Jesus is the reason for this Season and I love that song! I heard Joni Erikson Tada sing it once before some years ago. Wish more of the world could see Him as we do![/SIZE]

Praise Him.

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[SIZE=14pt]I just feel like I need to say something here also..... I am a born again Christian....have been since age 18 which is now eons ago. I will admit that in the beginning first I was skeptical about Bonnies Gift then I was also fearful since I was always taught that there is no one but God who can do what Bonnie does unless they are dark spirits. I prayed and asked God about it. He gave me very clear answers that this IS a gift given to her and here is how He did. That evening when I went to bed after ernestly praying about it because I really wanted to see if she could help Fancy..... I fell into a deeper sleep than usual. In my dreams I saw scripture verses in very large letters. First was in Genesis where God made the animals first and then Adam " And he gave Adam dominion over the animals and he walked and talked with them in peace." Another one was when one of the Profits from the old testament heard the donkey speak... yes it was God speaking thru the donkey but still impressed me that he heard it. Also whe Jesus was going into Jerusalaem on Palm sunday he instructed his deciples to go to a certain place and get an unbroke donkey and tell the owner the Master has need of it, and he rode it without training into the city.....there are many more but those are the three that stood out in bold relief. HE also broght to my mind a situation I was in once where I was confronted with an evil spirit in one of my patients that had been born in a coven of witches and was now in the mental ward suffering from what they thought was multiple personalities. She did have split off personalities that she created during her childhood abuses in this coven...but... one December night I found her cowering in her room and when I went to comfort and medicate her a terrible voice came from her, her eyes changed colors and the voice told me not to touch her because it would burn her! I was terrified and left the room, called my father who was a minister and he prayed with me and told me to comand the spirit in Jesus name to stop the attack on her. I went back in, proclaimed the name of Jesus and told it to leave and she suddenly fell asleep. I believe that when you have the Holy Spirit inside and you are intuned with it, it can tell you when a spirit is good or evil. When I met Bonnie in person I hugged her and felt warmth and good. Our spirits didnt war with each other. I believe she is gifted. The Bible even says that different people are gifted in different ways and they can glorify God with their gifts. I know that Bonnie prays before and after she does her readings . She probably prays more than me I am ashamed to say....[/SIZE]

Yes there were sourcerers and soothsayers in the Bible that were against God. Bonnie isnt one.

I just felt like I had to say this since I was one of those that didnt understand and feared what I didnt understand until I reaserched in the best Reference I know.

I realize this is a controversial topic, it can be pulled if it needs to but I wanted to alay the fears of some here including my daughter.

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My Dear sweet Tanya,

I did not mean to imply you or anyone in particular said anything like that to me!

I just know that when things about me come up I will get emails unsigned(I know i could track them down but I don't want to) about me being evil ....consorting with evil.....usiong evil spirits. yada yada yada.

It always confuses me as to why people think that way???

Why does something that does so much good get labeled bad?

Even my sister good christian that she is(of course she also believes all gays should be well you know) says its really the devil at work!

Oh my God! Sometimes it just gets to me..............

But that was truly a nice story!

That was truly a beautiful beautiful testimony. And I also thank Lyn for her own story

as well. God has shown us down through the ages - both in the Bible - and beyond, that

He grants his children many Gifts. The Gifts may be to lead in Ministry, to be an Artist, a

Pianist, a Doctor. Bonnie has been granted a rare one that often frightens people, so it's

sadly labelled evil. It has been a Gift that has frightened people since the beginning and

still does to some extent. Some day as more and more people do as Lyn and Tanya ,

look into their own hearts, Bonnie's Gift will be received and accepted.


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