Well-Known Member
Ok first pic! This is Penny. She is a mini appy filly, she will be a year old next month. So here is here story.... Mindy found this little girl and rescued her! She was skin and bones! FULL of worms and she would have died if not for Mindy! Her halter was left on and so tight that she still has a mark from where it was. It has taken a long time but she finally has a little meat on her bones now. Mindy did such an awesome job getting this lil girl back to health! Mindy has given her to me, so she is now part of my lil herd. This pic is her as a foal before she was so bad off. I think Mindy got her just when she was weaned at 6 months? Is that right Mindy?
Anyway, I don't know much about appys so can anyone tell me what pattern she is? Is she a few spot?
She still looks really bad cuz her hair is still so poor, but I will go out and get pics of her.

Anyway, I don't know much about appys so can anyone tell me what pattern she is? Is she a few spot?
She still looks really bad cuz her hair is still so poor, but I will go out and get pics of her.