I have a miniature horse who I found with acute, severe lameness in her right hind limb about 2 weeks ago. We originally thought she had her stifle locked, but now its seeming like it may be a coxofemoral subluxation instead. The vet took radiographs, and her femur was sitting in the joint properly on the image she got, but the appearance of the femoral head and acetabulum were slightly abnormal, and we're suspicious that it might be going in and out intermittently when she bears weight. She isn't a surgical candidate due to both the amount of time that has passed since the initial injury, as well as some other abnormalities noted in her bone structure that would increase the risk of fracturing her femur during surgery. I also don't have the finances for surgery at this point. The vet recommended euthanasia when she was out the other day and seems to think she will never recover enough to have a good quality of life. I've had her since she was 3 months old, this mini along with her mother (who sadly passed a few years back) were my first horses, and she's only 15 so I really don't want to give up on her. She's always just been a pet/pasture potato so I don't need her to be athletic...just comfortable and happy. Has anyone had any experience with this and had success with non-surgical management?