You are talking to a lady that even decorates her bathroom for Christamas with soaps and towels and Santa butt wipe.
I have some ideas for you. I hope I can help you out here.
Laura, when I was "nesting" in my first new home, the most important thing to me was and always will be "family traditions" which came first. Mother always taught me never to rush through Thanksgiving to get into Christmas so I do follow that one to the letter. The whole nine yards of turkey and the Macy's Day Parade and pumpkin pie and yes, plenty of Thanksgiving Decorations.
Everyone has their own style but I must be an old soul because I am just a traditonal mush at Christmas time and love to spend my holidays bawling my brains out.
The most important Christmas decorations are the ones that were from my childhood growing up and left to me when my parent's died. Torn, tattered, and old, I managed to salvage many. Please refer to my Christmas page for that. I really want you to visit that page, it would mean much to me if you would. Next to that are the little things that the boys crafted in pre-school and kindergarten etc. Priceless.
Sorry but I don't go in for all the mechanical stuff much at all. I have some motion figures that were given to me but other than that I think doing a lot of that just ruins the meaning of Christmas so I do keep things traditional for us.
Holly and wreaths adorn the doors of course with lovely bows. You can get scraps of cut up Christmas trees at the lots for free to make your own wreaths using a wire hanger and some hot wire and pine cones from your own yard. Just add a bow. Always add a bow. Use those trimmings also for garnishes around your usual things too.
(Martys's rules for bows:
Always fluff your bows and never let the remaining ribbons be even. One should always but longer than the other and cut at the bottom on a slant. )
Fill baskets with pine cones and potpourri and some with candy. Just use ribbons, lace and a bow to decorate it. Get Mia involved with her elmer's glue and let her get creative. The best decorations you'll ever have will come from her hand, trust me.
Decorate with food! I always have food out! And plenty of candy in festive bowls and dishes. Of course string popcorn and make popcorn balls and wrap them in red and green celephane and put them in a large green or red deco bowl that you can get at the Dollar Store. Get Mia some plastic cookie cutters and have her glue on glitter and use them for decorations.
Your Christmas cards of course will add much decoration. Just hang a string on the wall and set them on it. Wrap your family Bible up in a pretty ribbon with a big bow.
Do you have a pretty afgan or warm plaid or festive looking blanket? You can drape that on the couch or chairs, plus it will help you and Steve cuddle. Make one or buy one.
As for outside, well lights lights lights and more lights. This place looks like a runway. I got that from my daddy. He was the King of Lights...... I would make one investment to begin with for your outside. Let Mia choose something wether it's a Santa and reindeer or elf or something to help Santa find his way that will light up. Lights are cheap and fun and will not hurt your electric bill like many think. Shove some up on the house and around the door and it will say "welcome."
Each year, I will buy one very special decoration that is lovely, a keepsake that will be later handed down and hopefully remembered. I do collect Christmas Angels and also little Christmas bells that have the year on them.
You may want to begin a Christmas Village for Mia. That is something that can be added to each year. I have one on my piano. It began with two pieces on the end tables and well, let's just say it grew and now I need a baby grand before I can add to that ever again.
I'd say for you to make a little investment once a year in something that is special to you and something that you love. It may be an ornament or a floral arrangement or just anything that you see that is a must have. And just buy that one special thing. Don't rush into running out and just buying up "things" and "stuff" that have no real meaning to your heart because then your new home will just look "junked up" instead of really decorated.
Last but not least, actually first, the music. May I suggest the Beach Boys Christmas CD which has many tradtional but also fun songs?
You'll always find Christmas music of all kinds going on here by all artists .......EXCEPT! Michael MacDonald's new Christmas CD which I heard for the first time today on the radio and I think it's criminal! His version of "Deck the Halls" is an outrage.