Hope in the next two months

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We have three yet to foal with due dates starting this weekend.

We only have Misty on the ground
: . We're the opposite of most of you, we have a live foal on the ground but lost the mare.. :no:
Unfortunately - we found out this past weekend that our mare (due in June/July) has slipped --- she is definately interested in being bred again however!! She is in love
: with our yearling colt -- and no, he can't breed her - not allowed. We have them separated by 2 paddocks now. She ultrasounded open and ovulating this weekend.

So no foals for us this year. Breeding one back in May for next year and maybe a couple more in July.

Am enjoying all YOUR photos of foals - while wishing we were going to have one or two.

I have one left to foal out and I am soooo anxious about this one. I am thrilled that my first mare had no problems as she surprised by having a much earlier foal then expected and did it all on her own after she lost her first foal for a previous owner. Now Abby is due around June 1 and I am crossing my toes, my fingers and every other part of me that I can. I want this foal so bad for Abby. She lost her foal last year at birth and if you saw the way she is with Allie that was just born, your heart would break. Abby truly wants a foal of her own! So please say some prayers that all goes well for her this year.
I have 2 mares to foal, one late July. the other 1st of Aug....I have gone back to work soo the mare stare :new_shocked: is going to be tough this year....But my wonderful bosses have said if needed I can bring them to work...I work in a psychologists office..That should be interesting!!!!
We lost one foal about a month before foaling to an infection of the placenta, then we lost my much awaited black and white filly , mare went early (4 weeks) and noone was home We have one beautiful chestnut and white colt born who is alredy in his new home with MOmma, we have two mares left here and Im nervously awaiting that, and I have one mare down with Laura Tennill that is due in july, Thank you Laura, I cant take this much worry!!!! Hopefully our luck will turn around. we have never lost a foal before and its heartbreaking. Prayers to everyone who is still waiting. :bgrin

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