Hope in the next two months

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2006
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Ontario Canada
Just wondering, sitting here wishing and hoping, to have a live foal on the ground within the next 2 months.

I have 3 mares yet to foal, and 1 maybe, lost our first colt, hip lock and dogging style, he had to be cut out.

How many more out there have no live foals on the ground yet? :no:

How many are you waiting for?
Have one more mare to foal late June early July. We only bred 2 this year. Have a adorable little pinto colt born just over 2 weeks ago.
I'm still waiting too! Expecting two foals this year. My first mare is due around May 10th but has been waxing and Friday she had alot of wax and was kicking her stomach which I thought for sure she was going to foal that night, but we are still waiting.
: This will be her second foal. My other mare is due around June 30th.
All of ours are yet to come we cant breed early like so many as it is very cold still at night this morning it was only low 30's We have one at 314 today and one that will be at 300 on the 11th then the last is due in August. We only breed two or three a year. We have a 3 yr old who could be bred for next year but she still acts like a kid so guess not.
Had 4 mares bred, lost 3 foals so far..........2 late term abortions, 1 redbag dystocia.

Have one mare left to foal, she is due in June.
[SIZE=14pt]Bred four last year, first one lost a still born chestnut and white filly and then 9 days later lost her mother also.... then a month later lost a palamino filly to breech red bag distocia and had to put her mother down two days later for a tear in her uterus. Waiting on one baby this coming month due may 15th, next foal isnt due till end of june of July. So.... no pitter patter of little feet here either.....[/SIZE]

I'm waiting on one right now, my maiden mare Blossom. She was in a holding pattern for a few days but seems to be making progress again. Finals are this week........
Just wondering, sitting here wishing and hoping, to have a live foal on the ground within the next 2 months.

I have 3 mares yet to foal, and 1 maybe, lost our first colt, hip lock and dogging style, he had to be cut out.

How many more out there have no live foals on the ground yet? :no:

How many are you waiting for?
Hey - you sound exactly like me. Our first colt - April 21st was dog sitting as well - has to be removed in pieces as well - this is such a horrific experience to go through. We have 3 left to foal as well - and I am very nervous about the foalings. All four of our mares have foaled before with no problems - but you never know. I am so sorry for your loss - I have been in tears every day for the past week - so I know what you are going through. Our babies are so very much wanted and planned and we could hardly wait until the first one was born - what a heartbreaker it was.
I am so sorry for all of you who lost foals. I am crossing my fingers mine arrive safe and healthy. I have been watching my QTR raes mystic april mist closely for 3 weeks now. I was givin no breeding or foaling date just sometime in april. Well april is over shortly. She is huge.... dropped, long and relaxed, aggitated, no big hard bag but gives amber colored salty liquid. I have so much sleep to catch up on. My next mare is a maiden and not due until july. good luck everyone with your babies. Nikki
Well, we are having a bunch of late ones this year. Not sure of the exact dates on two of the mares as they were pasture bred. They should be around mid-end of May. The other mare is due June 1st. I'm hoping sooo bad for some fillies! We haven't had any in THREE years! :new_shocked: And all three mares are bred to our Buck The System son who has only had one filly out of 7 foals.
: We plan are breeding our other stallion this season who has only fillies on the ground!! LOL
Still wait for 3 mare very ready to go and two in Oct.

Yesterday, had another filly out of my Little America Blue Indigo and Xenon Light Van't Huttenest.

Had 4 fillies till now . Don't ask me how I do it's my breeder secret :bgrin


Little Texas Miniature Horses

Sulphur Springs TX

[email protected]
Have three on the ground right now......Six by the barn ready to be put under camera......A total of TWELVE babies yet to come! :new_shocked:

We only had two mares bred for this year. Bred 3 last year, but the one I bred to my 2 year old colt (only twice in one heat cycle) didn't catch. It's too bad, it was a very wanted foal. They are due to be bred now as soon as she comes into heat! My colt can't wait! The other two we bred are also very wanted babies. My mom's pintaloosa mare was bred to a very nice sorrel near leopard appaloosa, and she foaled a dark bay soild colt on the 21st. He has characteristics, though, so we are hoping he will spot out very soon. Sire is a 75% filly producer, and we wanted a filly, but Benji is so nice we can't complain. He is going to be too tall for us, though so he will be for sale. The last mare we have due is ready to go any minute now. I thought for sure she would have it last night, but she stopped. Maybe tonight instead. This is my Rowdy granddaughter, bred to a Rowdy grandson. It is a repeat breeding of their filly from last year. The stallion's foals already born this year are all overo colored! So I am on pins and needles awaiting this baby! Baby was kicking a little bit last night, so I know she (PLEASE!!!) is doing okay. Lady seems to have been in pre labor now for several days, so I'm hoping for her sake she lets herself have the baby soon. She hasn't gone off her feed at all, but she is so miserable! I can see it in her eyes. Anyway, back to the barn to check on Lady! I am getting terribly worried she knows something is wrong, and that is why she hasn't had the foal yet.
Those of you that have babies, watch them closely, I might just come around and still one.


Running out of patients here.
Just starting foal watch here, I just can't take those early foalings in the cold anymore so we don't breed early :bgrin

Our mares were pasture bred and are all at a max 286 days as of today but Sweetie is getting very very close. All of these foals are very anticipated, they're out of Dominator and some of our best mares, we bred him to 6 and all 6 are quite plump and have active babies in there (thats MY BOY!! :bgrin :aktion033: )

Domi is a bright sorrel and the mares are a palomino, palomino roan, buckskin, silver buckskin, black based grey and a bit later our cremello pinto mare, hoping for a few dilutes but healthy is my favorite color.

No babies here yet either! Have one mare that is close and on mare watch. I think I have 2 more but now I'm questioning whether they're just fat......except they do have a little bag going. The latest anyone should foal is end of May.....so we'll see!
Just wondering, sitting here wishing and hoping, to have a live foal on the ground within the next 2 months.

I have 3 mares yet to foal, and 1 maybe, lost our first colt, hip lock and dogging style, he had to be cut out.

How many more out there have no live foals on the ground yet? :no:

How many are you waiting for?
One - any day now (I hope) as we are at 330 days.


Silversong Farm
Well, I have 1 mare for sure and she is at day 339 today and it's killing me!! She is as big as a barn. Hubby calls her my beachball on legs. lol. People driving by regularly slow down and look at her shaking their heads! :lol: I am praying for an easy healthy delivery. She has foaled before and always did it on her own so here's hoping she is the same this year. I also have an older maiden Quarab mare that my mini stud got to last year and we are pretty sure she is pregnant but no real signs of foaling yet. So, we are playing the waiting game and I am BEAT!
I have three left to go, probably all in May. In fact, I just stalled one yesterday that is "walking the walk". I really hope things all go well, and that they hurry up. The mare stare is starting to wear on me! :lol:
I'm waiting for our first mini foal. Not due until June 22, but boy I'm excited already.

Wishing all a happy and safe late foaling season.


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