She's getting there
I'd guess that those teats need to seperate a little more and I think you might see a bit more sag in that belly, but really these are small things now that could change quickly or slowly.
I'd also stop fussing with her udder, no point getting her riled up and establishing that as not a nice place to be. Painted Lady went from not wanting me touching it at all to letting me have a good feel but that was over 2 weeks of very slow work and lots of bribes with food and scratches. But I'll be rebreeding her so I want the next pregnancy to be easier on us both so establishing udder skills is a must. The other problem with getting into a fight over the udder is you don't want to stress them but you can't let them drive you off, it just makes it harder in the future.
It's quite a vulnrable spot so we can't blame them for being touchy about it... it's just so much easier when they aren't!