Horrible, frighteneing night

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2003
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OMG Last night was the weirdest and most horrifying night of my life! We went to bed around 12:30-1:00 and I woke up to the sound of the fire alarm. I went to look int he hall and it was FLOODED! Water was running everywhere down the hall, pouring out from the fire hose on the wall. I got my boyfriend and his sister up and we went downstairs (fire alarms are a good buzz kill, let me tell you I was enjoying my sleep after a few beers! I sobered up pretty darn quick though!) We went down to the lobby to see what was going one (waded through ankle deep water which was by this point entering all the apartments on our floor). We were told it was a flase alarm and someone had turned on the fire hose across the hall from our door and it had in turn caused the alarm to go off. So we went back upstairs to mop up what we could and get some sleep so we could deal with the huge mess in the AM.

WELL! We got upstairs and someone in our hall told us a man had jumped off the balcony right under ours! Of course, I thought it was like a typical fire alarm, where people get riled up and make up romours. SO I went out on the balcony to check anyway, laughing about how silly it all was. AND THERE HE WAS! On the ground, 11 floors down and over one apartment was a man on the ground surrounded by firemen. A few miuites later it was aparant he was dead, as they had covered him. I was shocked, it was so scary. I couldn't sleep knowing there was a man dead right under (11 floors) our bedroom window so me and my boyfriends sister sat up waiting for them to move the body. At 5:15 we gave up and just went to bed, as it didn't look like they had any intention of moving the body anytime soon. So the body was there for over 3 hours! I didn't sleep at all last night.

They are saying he fell backwards while trying to look up at the balcony above him. But they didn't mention any of the fire alarms, or the flooding which happened just one floor up from him. I feel it is connected in some way. Anyway, I just needed to get it off my cheast, it was a very unreal night, none of it feels real. I'm sooo exausted, spent all day waiting for the news and didn't learn anything satisfactory! AND the apartment is still wet and smelly from the water. So who says people on the 11th floor should be safe from flooding?
I am very sorry you had to go through this horrible experience. Good on you to get it off your chest. God Bless!
Oh my gosh, Mel!!!

I heard about it on the News this afternoon...they didn't have much to say...I imagine the investigation will take a few days at least.
Yes, I expect we will hear more in the coming days. Its pretty sureal to think I could have riden in the elevator with this man on numerous occasions, even earlier that day. Hits a little too close to home for me. Balconies have always made me nervous, I rarely go out on ours.
Actually I saw it on the news just before I read the post. He must have really been interested to lean that far backwards over the rail. The moral of the story is if you want to see whats going on walk up the flight of stairs.
I'd be packing my bags and getting the heck out of that place
Well, I managed to get some sleep last night, though I had a few nightmares. Hopeing to hear more in the news today, I'll have to see what they say in the paper.
Here is a link to the article in the local newspaper... too bad its full of crap! :lol: Talk about BAD reporting!


FIRST GLARING MISTAKE!- There are only 2 apartment buildings here... unless I'm missing the platform 9 and 3/4 sign to get there (like in Harry Potter) I mean, come on, who counts 2 very large brick buildings, and suddenly come up with the number three? Where is this 3rd mystery building?

Second- There were cop cars ALL OVER the place yesterday! At one point we had 2 big SUV type, like the one pictured, a forensic van and a couple more cars parked across the driveway. Geeze, yeah, one lonely poliece car.

Third, NO MENTION of the fire alarm at all... nor the flooding from the prank that caused the alarm.

This article has really opened my eyes... will make me think twice about trusting media blindly from now on. I mean, these are simple details... and I still haven't found this third building... hmm, maybe only the media can see it... or is it like santa...you have to BELIEVE to see? :no:
I wonder how in the world they determined that he was leaning over the balcony backward??? I would think the only way they could determine that would be if there was a witness. I can only imagine how upsetting seeing something like that would be.
Well, I just sent e-mails to the authors of these articles to ask if there was a reason why the reporting was so off. I told them there was only 2 buildings, and asked why they did not report the fire alarm and flooding, even thoughthey happened so close to where the man fell. Perhaps they will write back and have a good reason for not including this. Perhaps they will write back and say they were unaware of this. I will let you know what I hear.
Well perhaps the person who wrote the story got the info second hand or the details got fouled up along the way. The part about the fire alarm and flooding perhaps wasn't seen as related or pertinent to the story or it's still under investigation.

I was once witness to a robbery at a store and the news story reported was nothing like what I saw. Even the location was completely wrong and in another city but the gist of the story was about the robbery not the details. Whether the info was wrong by design or just human error I'll never know.

It's never a good idea to blindly trust anything, let alone the media. Anyway I'm sad for the man who lost his life and his family and friends. That matters much more than a few wrong details I think.

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