Well-Known Member
all right, fine you win, i am unfealing,uninvolved lemming.
Mom says i need to forget this forum, cause your all too clickish and closed minded[Quote}
Okay them if we are like that why are you still on here chatting. :saludando: I love this forum and its people. I guess this forum is made for people that respect others and their opinions and aren't arguers. If you consider changing your mind and staying on this site then I suggest you smarten up your ideas and stop thinking only about your opinion. Others have the right to have there own opinion too. I suggest you keep some of yor thoughts to your self as well.
You have to respect others if you are on this forum because I warn you when I first came on this forum I was sort of like you bt the people on here have taught me lots. I have learnt to respect others and learnt to keep things to myself when nessasary. So please please think abouts things!!
Oh and I dont agree with slaughter but I reapect others opinions: