Horses attacked by pit bulls (update on page 9)

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This is HORRIBLE!! I am so sorry!!! Dog attacks are about the most horrible thing I have ever seen.

Here is thought on this should it become a legal issue. It is not just the loss of the mare. Were you planning on breeding her to sell the foals? You have also just lost all the income from all the foals she could have had, not just the loss of her.

I sold a filly to some folks in TX, who loved her very much. She was just starting her show career and they were just starting into Minis- they wanted to show and raise them with a small herd and she was their first. The neighbor boys decided to go out shooting their .22 one day- and decided to shoot her and the neighbors calf who was in the same pasture. The filly was killed-- the calf had a huge vet bill.

They sued the parents of the boys and won in court for not only the loss of the mare, but the future foals she would have produced for them. I believe they were awarded about $15K if I remember right.

Just food for thought. I dont like the fact that a KNOWN BITER is still chained in their backyard! It already tried to attack the neighbors dog, and you know what will happen if it gets loose!! Perhaps you can get together with the other neighbor whose dog was attacked and somehow get them to get rid of the 3rd dog that is still there- as they are certainly going to be liable for damages it does.

Great way for them to join the neighborhood- this just sickens me.
Still thinking on this.... what about your pain and suffering and the pain and suffering that your poor stallion must be going through. He will never be the same either.

I think I would be calling an attorney- today.
This is awful! As others have said, the first thing is to get an attorney, I'm not sure what the laws are in you state, but sometimes you can only claim the amount that the mare cost you, so I would also recommend getting an attorney. If nothing else file a civil suit. I'm so sorry for your lose, my husband had to shot a dog several yrs. ago that was harrasing our mares, and we called police. this was after we had called the dogs owners three times. Some dog owners don't have a clue!
After losing 3 minis to a pack of dogs and my husband getting bitten through the arm trying to beat the dogs off the horses, that's why we have a mule now. We don't have dog problems anymore.

So sorry for your loss. File a property damage report if you haven't already. If you file a civil claim, they may only allow you the small claims limit, so ask before you file, and certianly get a lawyer. In our case, we had the replacement value of 3 horses, vet bills for another, and the medical bills for my husband. While we were awarded $25,000 in judgement, we had a devil of a time collecting and had to file additional property liens to get any kind of money back, and we still haven't gotten it all. Stupid dog owner kept hollering about how he could find "ponies" all day long for $100 and he didn't think he should have to pay $3500 for one, and why couldn't he sue us for loss of his dogs since we were the ones who shot them. It was just horrible all the way around to deal with.

Hoping your boy heals well and is home soon.
I'm so, so sorry for your loss! How awful =( I'm praying for Cowboy! Hoping for a quick recovery. I think you made a good decision on getting the little donkey. Long ears, as well as llamas are a great idea to help protect your animals from predators like coyotes and dogs.
{{{{ hugs }}}} my heart breaks for you
OK I have skipped to the end as I know you will have had a lot of sympathy and support form everyone and I just wanted to make sure you had all your t's crossed and your i's dotted.

You need to write out a statement, not a quote for your mare or anything, but a statement of intent, that the owner of the dogs has admitted liability and that they have declared their intent to cover medical bills and replacement costs, and you need to get the person who the liability was admitted in front of to come back and go round with you and you need to get your neighbour to sign it because, believe me, there is NO way on this earth that they will pay you $4,000.00 for your mare- they are thinking it will cost £50.00 to buy another as they have, no doubt, seen them in the paper or at an auction and, once you give them the bills, - well, basically, there is no way you can make them pay!

You also need to get AC come out and take away the other dog, STAT!!

All that being said, I cannot even guess at what you are going through right now (which is why I am being so dictatorial, I know you are not in a good place when it comes to making decisions) and you have my deepest sympathy. Just remember, nothing would have been different if you had stayed, the dogs would still have got through, they would still have done what they did before you could reach them, and they might have killed you or your husband, too, so, really, hard though it seems to believe it, things could have been worse.

I hope your boy comes through all this OK, if he has to be gelded, so be it, there are worse things than a really nice gelding. The horse, alive and well, is the prime objective.

Chin up, we are all rooting for you.

Now go sort out a legal document!!
That is terrible. I can't imagine keeping a dog that is vicious, but I believe it is worse in the spring. We have had a couple of dog packs crusing in our rural area and several bachelor toms driven out of their territories. The dogs all have collars. They are not homeless, just out cruising. We shoot to drive them off. If they come back we shoot to kill.

The episode we had with a neighbor's ram attacking our horses was also in the early spring.

Why are you getting a jenny as a companion for your stallion? Do you plan to raise mules?
Thanks for all the kind words and suggestions. We are waiting to approach the neighbors till Cowboy is home and we have a final vet bill. There is still a chance that he well have to be gelded. The reason we are getting a jenny is for his companionship and protection. We will consult an attorney to see what ground we have to stand on. I will contact AC again to get a copy of the report and also the vet will have a report to go along with it.

This morning when I went to visit Cowboy, he hadn't pooped since last evening. The vet checked him out and determined that his intestional/stomache was having spasms and he gave him two different shots. They put him outside in a run so he could get some excersise and enjoy the sunshine. He is doing better, but not sure when we will be able to bring him home. We are modifying his shelter with a horse panel and gate w/ horse panel welded to it. Nothing should be able to get into it. We are not sure when we are getting the jenny so want to be prepared.

We went to Church this morning and we added Cowboy to the prayer list. I almost started crying in Sunday School. We have lots of support in our Church family as well as my mini friends here on Lil' Beginnings. Thank you all so much.

Cowboy face.jpg
Just a word of warning- horses and donkeys do not speak the same language, so do not be surprised if they do not, in fact, get on. I had a Donk given to me many years ago and kept her with my horses- she was so lonely I ended up buying her another donkey to keep her company! The best company for a horse is, and always will be, another horse.......
I agree, and we have had some horses just HATE donkeys. The neighbors had a mini donk and he was even too rough (he was gelded) to keep out with the stallions! So this may or may not, be a solution.

I so hope your little guy recovers. He has got to be miserable and in pain. I would not wait, and I would not approach the neighbor. I would call an attorney and let them handle it because I can guarantee your neighbors may sound like they mean well- I have not seen too many of these type of things work out well at all. And it can turn into a 'he said, she said' thing that gets pretty ugly.

They are having time to think about things too, and I agree, maybe are thinking that a couple of hundred dollars is sufficient to replace your mare!
So sad.....poor guy. I am sure you are taking a lot of pictures as well. Down the road if things get "dicey" you may need some good visuals. Those pictures brings tears to my eyes.
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Trish. This should break anyone's heart. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Others here, have given you excellent advice. Do not allow the dog owners, to get away with this. Sadly, so many do. The 'kennel' their one PB is in now, should be six foot tall chain link, embedded in concrete and with a roof. Anything less is not safe. They should also be required to have absolutely dog-secure fencing, around their entire property and locked gates.

We unfortunately hear of such things, often in S. California.

I will pray that your little fellow, recovers well from all this. Be careful though, about placing Donks with horses. Donkeys can also be deadly.

Keep us posted on how Cowboy is doing.

Im so sorry.My cattle dog was killed by a pit last yr. I was so upset. It was a mans dog down the road that knew his dog was mean and let it run wild. I shot the dog because i have small children and if this dog will kill my dog like he did he will hurt my kids and horses
Wow,what a horrible situation.please get an attourney.even with them signing a paper stating,they will cover bills,the only way to rightfully get the value of what you lost is through the court system.with the value of your mare,possibly having to geld cowboy,i would push as hard as I could.i am glad cowboy is doing better,but,if the dogs wouldnt have gotten out,none of this would have happened.i would sue for pain and suffering is a disgrace they took the dogs in,and didnt even report the horses attacked.i hope you get compensated every penny.i am so sorry you lost your donkey killed mine...please reconsider getting a stated above,donkeys are not compatib e with of luck for you and cowboy!!!
Deed, not the breed, people, there are many, many BRILLIANT lovely Pitbulls out there.

These were just nasty, high prey drive dogs out of control, the last dog does not need a pen, he needs a needle, sorry but the people have proven that they are not to be trusted with a chihuahua, let alone a high profile dog like a PB.

I have Dobes, some have a high prey drive, some, like my bitch, have virtually none. That did not prevent her almost demolishing my other bitch when she was seriously challenged.

It could have been a couple of Labradors (I was nearly killed by a Lab!) they were just out of control.

Looking at the picture of his testicles- so long as infection does not set in, I would say you will probably be OK- the biggest problem with swelling there is that the high temperature causes permanent damage to the sperm but since you say he is being hosed regularly, I would say he may just be alright- Rabbit got kicked in both , poor baby, and they swelled up bigger than Cowboys, even, but twice a day in the river and he came good in the end- it actually took longer for his libido to recover. Keeping your boy in my thoughts, all the time, I hope he gets through this.

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