House breaking GRRRRRR

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Ok, this doesnt pertain to Jack. As I relize he is gonna have accidents as he is still so young.

But Mitzy on the other hand...............I just dont get it.

She dont pee in the house, but she does occasonally poop. She doesnt go to the door, I just automatically take her out every so often. If you ask her if she has to go potty she will go sit by the door if she does.

She is 9 months old. She has had more lately since Jack has been here. She has gone 3 times since I got Jack last Wensday. Could it be a jelousy thing?

The only thing that has changed is that she has to sleep in her kennel now and not in bed with me(trying to get him ajusted to the kennel). But even when she did sleep with me it wasnt all the time just weekends and sometimes when I am on days. Most of the time in her kennel.

Is there anyway to get her fully house trained?
I am having the same problem. My 2 y/o son, Loren, will NOT go on the potty. Yet, he HATES his diper and takes that off too!! I have been bribing Loren to go in the potty with M&M's. I don't think that would work for you though.
[SIZE=14pt]First off we had a cocker that we couldnt get housebroke .....ever. Also a female. THis increase in pooping tho is related to Jacks arrival. We experience the same thing here when adding a fur kid..... EVERY time. It will get better. What she is exhibiting is negative attention seeking behavior. When she sees that you dont go off the deep end and that you dont blame Jack which in her head im sure she is hoping...... She will get better with it again. My Doxie Annie is just 6 months old and Im considering myself really lucky that she almost always makes it to the paper by the back door but.... on the days that Robby is here..... she will go on the rug in the hall....then I hear "Yucky Yucky.." coming from Robby in the hall and I know I have to pick something up! HE tattles on her every time.[/SIZE]

NOpe but my nephew had the same problems. Gave him cherioes(sp?) to aim at. Solved that problem. Oh and have to give him real underware.
Sounds like mitzy is jealous.......the fastest way to solve it would probably be to give her zero attention when it happens don't even comment just clean it up and continue with whatever you were doing........
Well, sorry, my opinion is different.

With all animals, you can not let them get by with it.

If it takes you going through the re-potty training mode for a few days, I'd do it. If you just let her go, she will continue, to go, in the house.

I have never been a fan of paper training either, just what works for me. I see no sense in paper training them, and then training them to go out. Just do it once.

And for anyone going to tell me, well they are small, too cold for them, or they can't get up and down steps, whatever the reason.

My Chi, female, who at the time weight all of 1 1/2 pounds, was housebroke completely by 3 months, she is now a year and a half, 3 1/2 pounds.

Other dog, also a Chi, male, housebroke completely at 3 months.

Be consistant, be firm, and it is not ever ok to go inside.(medical reasons, old age acceptance)

Loren&Rocky said:
I am having the same problem.  My 2 y/o son, Loren, will NOT go on the potty.  Yet, he HATES his diper and takes that off too!!  I have been bribing Loren to go in the potty with M&M's.  I don't think that would work for you though.


Toss Cheerios in the commode and let him aim. Works like a charm!
Ashley said:
NOpe but my nephew had the same problems.  Gave him cherioes(sp?) to aim at.  Solved that problem.  Oh and have to give him real underware.

Cherioos! What a great idea!! I will try that.
ashley are you controlling her food and water intake?? Most people who cant get a dog housebroke are either inconsistent or dont monitor the food and water. If you only feed and water her at certain times its very easy to figure out when they have to go outside.

I sold a puppy to a friend and she complained he couldnt be housebroke. Now everyone else i sold a puppy to out of this litter had them housebroke in 3 days. So i went to her house. Sure enough she was leaving food and water out all the time. No way can you house break a puppy if food and water are free choice. Once they are housbroke its fine to do that but until then you should only feed and water at specific times.

teaching teh dog to ring a bell when it needs to go out is also very effective. sometimes with smaller dogs they are giving you signs that they need to go out and you dont hear it. So if they learn to ring a bell you cant miss it.

I have never had a dog that wasnt housebroke within 3-5 days. ever
Just had to add in defense of those that free feed there dogs.. they can be house broken while being free fed just means paying a bit more attention to them of course and watching them a bit.. but

our BC was housebroken in a couple of days despite some trainers telling me free feeding was aweful and would make it impossible.. of course there dogs wolfed down there food and argued over it which is the whole thing i wanted to avoid we have 6 dogs and thry never argue about food if one is eating the other can calmly wait till they are done knowing the food will still be there

all of that aside i would go back to making a big deal about her going outside telling her what a good girl she is and all of that stuff
She does not get water when I am at work, nor does Jack. Jack for the most part is good, he only has accidents when I am not paying attention so that is my fault. Other wise for the first few hours he is up he goes out every 10-20 mins or when he shows signs.

I have started takeing Mitzy out every 2 hours again. I was takeing her out every 4 as she doesnt really give any signs unless I ask her.

When she goes in the house she goes in her kennel while I clean it up. I also know when she does it and I know she knows she was wrong as she hangs her head to the floor and walks to me.

Part of the problem is she doesnt completely go when we are outside. I can be out there half in hour and she wont go all the way.

As for Jack. He at the most has 1 accident a day. But like I said that is mainly when I am not always paying attention.

I dont paper train either its outside they go.

Mitzy and Jack get free choice water when we are up and about. Mitzy always has free choice food as she has never been one to eat set meals ever. Plus she is a bit on the thin side. She eats far better if she gets free choice. Being she is a little thin I dont like to restrict her.
hi ashley

See what i mean?? I always know when someone cant get a puppy housebroke they are feeding them free choice
its the number one biggest mistake people make when trying to housebreak.

giving her free choice food right now will make it very hard to ever get her housebroke. The longer she goes in the house the harder it is to get her broke. This is teh same thing the owner of the puppy told me. He was a little thin and needed food free choice. When she fed him free choice he was never really hungry and ate tiny amounts all day long. So he had to go to the bathroom all day long LOL.

The thing is you should only have to do this for 3 days and be done!! When shes TRULY housebroke you can go back to feeding her but i still would not do it free choice for awhile.

You will find if you feed her at 3 set times per day she will eat much more at each feeding. My friend with the puppy found he gained weight doing this as he ate more at each setting then nibbling all day long.

Anyway you asked for suggestions and thats mine
like i said i have never had a dog in the house that wasnt house broke within the first week and its usually just 3 days.
I have to agree with KayKay, they do eat less when free choice. Dogs are not really designed to "graze" they are supposed to glut and starve. We can't do that of course, but we can give proper meal times.

I find mine eliminate a little while after they eat.
Well for one its hard to feed her at set times when I work swing shift( and I dont really wanna hear that I dont deserve to have a dog because of this). She used to be on set feedings. She WOULD NOT EAT. She would go days with out eatting, and when she is at my aunts in the summer, I do set her on feeding schedual as we have a brat animal that runs lose and eats dog food. She will go days with out eatting.

Jack is on a few feedings a day and is getting changed over to free choice, but he doesnt poop in the house.

I will try to start over on set feedings, but I wont let her starve either.
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rabbitsfizz said:
I have to agree with KayKay, they do eat less when free choice.  Dogs are not really designed to "graze"  they are supposed to glut and starve.  We can't do that of course, but we can give proper meal times.I find mine eliminate a little while after they eat.


I have found this to be true, too. Also, if fed on a regular schedule, dogs are a lot like humans and have more regular bowel movements. I was having lots of problems with a dog we had for a few months (while trying to find his owner). But once I got him on a regular feeding schedule, he was like clockwork with the poop every day!
Ashley dont worry... she they will be fine if you opt to free feed. Being as it is different many dont seem to see it that way in fact this one "trainer" argued the point with me watched him feed his pack of dogs and just proved my point.. the whole gulping it down and running to eat someone elses started a fight.. he then says well i need to feed them only in a kennel or seperate rooms not saying that is bad... but sure doesnt work for me trust me my dogs are all in great weight and very healthy we had several senior dogs most living years past what there breed normally does down to only one senior our pit bull now

anyway it does make things a bit more difficult to housebreak but.. surely not impossible and doesnt work for some but my current vet (small animal) free feeds all of his dogs as well all depends on the circumstances and the realization all dogs are different
I agree with Lisa that it can be done with free feeding or scheduled feeding. It's just more effort needed on your part with free feeding, but I'm sure I can be done. I just don't free feed because none of my dogs eat the same food.
I don't free feed and in fact I feed most my dogs only once a day
biggrin.gif first dog lived in a house where the 10 dogs were free fed and she developed neuroses and instead of eating would just guard the bowl of food in fact I could fill her bowl and if other dogs could get near it or she thought they could she would guard the same bowl of food for my vet suggested offering her food once a day in a quiet spot alone or in her crate......and that was the only way to get her to eat at all......

my current crew the youngster gets fed am and pm and the geezer chow gets fed am and pm...all the rest get fed in the evening german shepherd if free fed would probably indulge in eating 20-30lbs of feed per day
he is a total garbage disposal....

My best friend free feeds her 6 standard poodles she has 2 or 3 bowls that she keeps full all day long most of her dogs are in good weight she only has one who is a tough keeper (she is another that just doesn't eat)

It can work as my neighbor housebroke all her poodle pups while free feeding of course she used papers as well as outside (I don't believe in this but many do)

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