I have a little filly that I would love critiqued. I am aware of the rules that we are not allowed to critique horses that we do not own; so I would like to make it clear that I am the owner and breeder of this filly.
Ale (pronounced Allie.....it made sense when I named her. JCP Grand Finale. Don't judge.
) was our last planned foal.
Sire (Dagnillos Crown Jewels): (NOTE: Ignore the person in the sexy outfit.....
Dam (BL Hooten Hollows Bow Tie):
Okay, full siblings:
2006 Silver Smokey Black Filly:
2007 Silver Black Colt:
2008 Palomino Gelding:
2010 Silver Smokey Black Gelding:
Information About Ale:
DOB: April 30, 2011
Color: Palomino
Gender: Filly
Registration: AMHR (Will be registered in spring after clipping)
Personal Plans for Future: I would like to train her how to drive in the future; just for fun. I would be interested in possibly breeding her in about a trillion years (literally). The only way that I'd be breeding her is if the dwarf testing does come out. Both her parents are dwarf carriers (Dam for Type 3 and sire for Type 1, 2, and 3), but I do not think that it would be irresponsible to breed ONLY if I were to breed her to a stallion that could fix her faults and was a non-carrier. That's the only way. If not, I would love to some day buy a bred mare.
I have worked with Ale on halter and I showed her this past July as a 2-3 month old. She did fantastic for me and got a blue. The judge and I went through her class as quickly as we could so not to stress her out and she was then immediately sent back to her stall with her dam; who was standing outside of the ring. Ale was actually supposed to go into the final round but we sent her back to the dismay of the show staff (who were quite rude about it). Instead Ale took a nap in her stall while her full brother won Reserve Grand Champion Halter Pony.
Ale is a fantastic little filly, but very immature in her mindset. (As expected for a baby) Which has prompted me to let her grow as a pasture puff for the next few years so that I can focus on her dam, who is much more mature! lol.
I am doing this because I am not a fan of promoting youngsters. I would rather let them grow for a few years, show, and THEN throw them back into the pasture. Not show and then throw them into the pasture. I really don't care if you guys do that, but I am a VERY relaxed person when it comes to showing. I see no reason to cause stress and create a pile of un-needed vet bills as a result. JMVHO.
Anywho, I had mentioned that I would love to train Ale for cart, I would also love to do showmanship and some of the Halter Obstacle type classes. Neither are really geared toward conformation, but Ale is lacking in her back, neck, and hindquarters.
I've been working with Ale on halter since she was about 2-3 days old. I had a halter on her immediatly and on a lead rope at a couple days old with me just following her. Not the other way around. I tried to make it as stress free as possible. We started working on setting up at about 2 weeks and I was also using voice commands as well as hand signals. You can see that in multiple pictures. You can also see in some pictures the use of chalk (circle drawn) that I used for her to know her boundaries. I had used this with her dam before hand and had found it to be successful. Hence why I used it with her.
The use of clippers were started at about 2 weeks. I started them slowly with her just loose with her dam. I would use them on her dam (loose) and then run them over Ale who was loose as well. I was able to clip her soon after. We had also worked on bathing, which was pretty successful.
Conformation Pictures:
3 Weeks:
5 Weeks:
2 Months:
2 Months (10 weeks):
3 Months:
4 Months:
5 Months:
6 Months:
9 Months:
Yep, lots of pictures!
I am sorry for the 9 month pictures. I did not realize that she was stretched in the back....I'll have to take some new ones soon.
I am very excited to clip her in the spring. From the looks of her 3 month pictures she's going to resemble exactly what I want, which is the same build as her sire. I am VERY much in love with how she looks in her 3 month pictures as well as her 5 months. She's a thicker girl but she has a very refined beautiful head.
The faults that I see:
Longer pasterns in front?
Long Back
Short Neck
Thick Neck
Camped Out in Hind (I see this the most in the 3 month pictures, but I personally believe that this is because I have her over stretched in the hind.
Refined Head
Perfect Bite
Chest (I personally like her chest. I don't know a lot about the conformation of the chest, but I do like how it is not narrow. You see that a lot with youngsters and her's isn't. Its quite wider that one that I would expect on a foal.)
Anywho, critique. I love harsh and blunt responses. No reason to sugar coat anything. Nobody learns with sugar coating.
Ale (pronounced Allie.....it made sense when I named her. JCP Grand Finale. Don't judge.

Sire (Dagnillos Crown Jewels): (NOTE: Ignore the person in the sexy outfit.....

Dam (BL Hooten Hollows Bow Tie):

Okay, full siblings:
2006 Silver Smokey Black Filly:
2007 Silver Black Colt:
2008 Palomino Gelding:
2010 Silver Smokey Black Gelding:
Information About Ale:
DOB: April 30, 2011
Color: Palomino
Gender: Filly
Registration: AMHR (Will be registered in spring after clipping)
Personal Plans for Future: I would like to train her how to drive in the future; just for fun. I would be interested in possibly breeding her in about a trillion years (literally). The only way that I'd be breeding her is if the dwarf testing does come out. Both her parents are dwarf carriers (Dam for Type 3 and sire for Type 1, 2, and 3), but I do not think that it would be irresponsible to breed ONLY if I were to breed her to a stallion that could fix her faults and was a non-carrier. That's the only way. If not, I would love to some day buy a bred mare.
I have worked with Ale on halter and I showed her this past July as a 2-3 month old. She did fantastic for me and got a blue. The judge and I went through her class as quickly as we could so not to stress her out and she was then immediately sent back to her stall with her dam; who was standing outside of the ring. Ale was actually supposed to go into the final round but we sent her back to the dismay of the show staff (who were quite rude about it). Instead Ale took a nap in her stall while her full brother won Reserve Grand Champion Halter Pony.
Ale is a fantastic little filly, but very immature in her mindset. (As expected for a baby) Which has prompted me to let her grow as a pasture puff for the next few years so that I can focus on her dam, who is much more mature! lol.
I am doing this because I am not a fan of promoting youngsters. I would rather let them grow for a few years, show, and THEN throw them back into the pasture. Not show and then throw them into the pasture. I really don't care if you guys do that, but I am a VERY relaxed person when it comes to showing. I see no reason to cause stress and create a pile of un-needed vet bills as a result. JMVHO.
Anywho, I had mentioned that I would love to train Ale for cart, I would also love to do showmanship and some of the Halter Obstacle type classes. Neither are really geared toward conformation, but Ale is lacking in her back, neck, and hindquarters.
I've been working with Ale on halter since she was about 2-3 days old. I had a halter on her immediatly and on a lead rope at a couple days old with me just following her. Not the other way around. I tried to make it as stress free as possible. We started working on setting up at about 2 weeks and I was also using voice commands as well as hand signals. You can see that in multiple pictures. You can also see in some pictures the use of chalk (circle drawn) that I used for her to know her boundaries. I had used this with her dam before hand and had found it to be successful. Hence why I used it with her.
The use of clippers were started at about 2 weeks. I started them slowly with her just loose with her dam. I would use them on her dam (loose) and then run them over Ale who was loose as well. I was able to clip her soon after. We had also worked on bathing, which was pretty successful.
Conformation Pictures:
3 Weeks:
5 Weeks:
2 Months:
2 Months (10 weeks):
3 Months:
4 Months:
5 Months:
6 Months:
9 Months:
Yep, lots of pictures!
I am sorry for the 9 month pictures. I did not realize that she was stretched in the back....I'll have to take some new ones soon.
I am very excited to clip her in the spring. From the looks of her 3 month pictures she's going to resemble exactly what I want, which is the same build as her sire. I am VERY much in love with how she looks in her 3 month pictures as well as her 5 months. She's a thicker girl but she has a very refined beautiful head.
The faults that I see:
Longer pasterns in front?
Long Back
Short Neck
Thick Neck
Camped Out in Hind (I see this the most in the 3 month pictures, but I personally believe that this is because I have her over stretched in the hind.
Refined Head
Perfect Bite
Chest (I personally like her chest. I don't know a lot about the conformation of the chest, but I do like how it is not narrow. You see that a lot with youngsters and her's isn't. Its quite wider that one that I would expect on a foal.)
Anywho, critique. I love harsh and blunt responses. No reason to sugar coat anything. Nobody learns with sugar coating.