Tagalong, good description.
It's been mentioned but worth stressing...when the little plastic "paddle" inside the clippers gets worn it will cause them to leave tracks even with a good blade. It's a $2 or $3 part that you can change yourself with a screwdriver, just vital to easy clipping. Also, when you oil the blades, only use a drop or two...
I've clipped wet and dry - clipping off a winter coat that's wet bogs down my clippers and is impossible. Once all the big hair is off and you are reclipping through the summer, clipping wet - or at least damp - does help keep the blades cool. I had a small refrigerator in my groom room and just set hot blades in it to cool when I swapped them out. It cratered not long ago, so now I use a cold gelpack - lay your hot blade on it and it cools within just a couple of minutes. Good luck clipping, it really is an art and just takes practice.

I've clipped wet and dry - clipping off a winter coat that's wet bogs down my clippers and is impossible. Once all the big hair is off and you are reclipping through the summer, clipping wet - or at least damp - does help keep the blades cool. I had a small refrigerator in my groom room and just set hot blades in it to cool when I swapped them out. It cratered not long ago, so now I use a cold gelpack - lay your hot blade on it and it cools within just a couple of minutes. Good luck clipping, it really is an art and just takes practice.
