I enjoy them with fava beans and a nice chianti...
JUST KIDDING, for all those on this forum who don't recognize a joke.
Anyone who has read my recent posts know that my horses have truly saved my life, or at least my sanity (if I ever had any...)
My horses are first and foremost my best friends, my children, the achievement of my earliest dream. Each of my horses has come to share our lives for different reasons. With each, I consider what he or she loves to do most, and that becomes their "job."
Mingus loves to show off, and he thrives on our partnership. We show together, yet as much as we both love the show ring, we love even more the time we spend in preparation. Mingus and Keith share a similar partnership in liberty and soon in jumping and/or hunter. Our new adventure in driving will enhance the partnership we enjoy. Mingus is a loving, yet dominant, proud horse who demands respect, yet is equally willing to give it in return. He has informed me that he needs a driving harness with loads of patent leather and polishhed brass, and a fine carriage...or perhaps a roadster cart...we'll see...
Thelonius is everybody's best friend. He is quite possibly the cutest horse I've ever seen, and the greatest imp. Thelonius suffered an early life as a veterinary school "procedures" horse, and dislikes being brushed or fussed over. He showed his true calling when, after a parade, he pulled me over to a woman in a wheelchair and laid his head in her lap. His red roan coat will always bear the marks of the procedures done upon him. As a therapy horse, he will show children that we all have scars...some visible, some not.
Flash is mama's little boy. He loves nothing better than to lean against me, unless perhaps it's sitting on Keith's lap. Flash is also our equivalent of "My Little Pony." He is not the type being shown today, but that is just as well, as he has no need to prove his beauty to anyone. His dapple grey coat is the dark, rich color of a precious metal; his flaxen mane reaches his knees, his forelock is almost to his nostrils. Every time I step outside, Flash calls to me. His corral is what used to be our lawn, and so he grazes right outside my office windows, his metallic coat dancing in the sunlighht. Flashh will also be taught to drive, but he'll be into it for the fun.
Scarlet and I proved that love at first sight does occur. Everyone present agreed that we were meant to be. Scarlet has the demeanor of a child at play...dancing her way through life. One of my first books when I was little was about baby animals, titled "Come Play With Me." It might well have been written about Scarlet. She is my playmate, and I look forward to many future adventures, including showing, driving, and great companionship.
With such an incredible family, life if good!