How do you greet

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2005
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Hudson, Fl
We have a member in our horse club whos dying of cancer. She was operated on in Nov. they thought they got it all. She now has it in her liver they have given her 6 months. She was at our meeting last week, I gave her a hug and went to say how are you and realized that would be a crazy thing to say, so I just said HI. What do you say to someone who is dying when you greet them? Kathy
I would say "hello, nice to see you"
Believe it or not, it's happened to me several times.....

I've learned to just say, "Blessings"

Have you ever read 'Tuesdays with Morrie'?

I think you would enjoy it and it would help you out a bit. Its about this teacher who is dieing of ALS and his student comes back after finding out he's dieing and spends tuesdays with him as he slowly dies. We read it in english earlier this year.

It might help you some.

When all else fails ...just smile and say 'hi how are you doing


Same as someone who isn't dying
: just continue to treat them as if they are of the things that bothers people who are being treated differently.....I have been through this many many sister worked in oncology and she said that many of her patients enjoyed her company because she treated them like people not like something fragile or fearful.......heck we all are gonna die someday should we all treat everyone as if they are about to die?
I agree with runamuk. The real truth is they are not dying of cancer, they are living with it. Honestly and sincerely say the things that you would say or do as if that person were well. If we treated everyone in our lives like that our relationships would be the better for it.
I'm only 18 but almost all my family (excluding my immediet family) is dead and many many many many of my friends and our family friends have passed away. Actually there was a few years there where every single month someone else would pass away. Luckily I'm able to talk about it now and I'll have the odd cry but it(death and the intense grief surrounding it) no longer rules my life.

So that being said I've run into this before as well. Just because they're dieing doesn't mean you need to treat them like they're any different. They are living in the now and I always gave my friends and family the dignity of treating them as such..."Hi how are you" they might reply well I hurt a bit more today than yesterday or they might not...they might say I'm fabulous today I went for a walk around the gardens or something like that.
How have greeted her before? Dopn't change your approach just make it warmer. It isn't inappropiate to ask how you're doing. My dad died of cancer and we always would gret him, "hey Daddy, howz it goin?" and then a warm hug.
Thanks, I'm just very uncomfortable in that kind of situation, I didn't want to ask "how are you" like I always do, I felt it would seem insensitive, but you all have given me a different view. Thanks again, Kathy
When we found that my husband had colon cancer that had already progressed to his liver, our lives were put into a totally different mode. The next 13 months of living with this situation and the many, many doctoring requirements were a change in our future plans -- to say the least :new_shocked: . BUT you do have to make a choice at this point and ours was to live as normally as possible, as long as possible.

So, after his surgery and recovery from that, we made every attempt to DO SOMETHING every day of the life we had left. At first, as you can imagine, things were in the "shock mode", then the "darn it mode", then the "ok, let's not waste a day mode" and not until the very, very last month was it in the"don't want to see anyone but family mode".

Dick termed it this way, he'd had more good days than bad and wanted to try and live those well. He did.

When you see this woman, yes she is wanting to be treated as the same person she, say "hey, how ya doing?" Tell her you're glad to see her, etc. Share some of any past experience that you two may have had........"remember when...?" Memories are good.

Guess what I'm saying is that she KNOWS she's gotta do something every day. And, she WILL KNOW when she is at the point of not being able to. Often the hardest part is that people don't want to call you, see you because they "don't know what to say". Then the person who is already living a compromised life is cut off from friends. Just don't let that happen.

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