How do you store your books?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2006
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Southern Ca
Is your book (reading material) area in order, or complete chaos? Do you have a designated bookshelf, or do you put your books just any place?
The books I've read, are on two bookcases, and overflowing a bit. The books waiting to be read are here and there. Picked up a large box of horse books at an auction last summer, I know I paid under $20 for the whole box, and it had most of the John Lyons series in it pluse an assortment of odds and ends (the couple of titles that were repeats of books I already have were put on eBay and pretty much given away).
Sadly, none of mine are on my bookshelf, my new apartment is so tiny that right now I have some nicknacks and horse figurines on my bookshelf (it's just a small bookshelf/bookcase), so for now most of my books are in boxes yet (in the closet) or sitting on top of the boxes. I need to get 'em organized. I lost a lot of books at my last place, some I had stored out in the garage, up off the floor, but despite that the humidity and dampness got to them, they had just been boxed up for too many years (some since 2005 since I had no place at all to put them indoors, always had small apartment with no storage). About killed me to have to toss out some of my beloved books.

Planning to get another small bookcase soon as I can.
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All my book are on shelves. I have a really neat antique book shelf, that has glass doors, that I keep a lot of my books in. And I also have a white cabinet( I think it's a corner china cabinet) that I store my Stephen King books on. No door so those need to be dusted often. If I'm reading a book it sits on the coffee table until I'm done then on a shelf it goes. Right now I found this very cool Creep Show comic by Stephen King at the Salvation Army. It's on the shelf but as soon as time allows me it will be out! LOL!
I wanted to clear "wall space" for some large aquariums a few years ago. Prior to then, I did keep many hardbound books on display in our living room and in a large hallway in our house. ... However, since we go0t into fishkeeping and wanting big tanks, we did pack up many books into our attick and others went to a secondhand books store. I did keep all my Stephen King books, some of which are "rare" on "display" in a case... but do I look at them more than the fish tanks -- honestly NO! It's been years since I have read a book for fun that I didn't listen to in audio (unabridged always) format. It's just a lot easier for me, and with a 50 mile commute either way when I go to the office, well, that's a lot of time I can spend "reading". I really haven't ever "re-cracked" a book once I read it, so for that reason, really, I think we could let go of what we have put into the attic...

So, what do I store? Only my favorite author (Stephen King), and the collection does include some rare. But in reality, do I enjoy them more than once? Not really... other than with a few rare, the pride of owning them!!!

I honestly only read for fun. Not trying to do ANYTHING that entertain myself, and my husband. So once we have enjoyed the story -- reall -- we're "done".

What I do wish is that audible books were easier to share!!! I've got a stash to send to a friend i love like a sister... but I hope I can explain to her how to load it on an iPhone / iPod easily. Last week, I was nearly in tears before I "re-figured" out how to do it using the Apple application (and I don't know another way to do it.......................................... WISH I did!).

We don't really want to store any books other than Stephen King's hardbacks and the rares we ALREADY collected (not aiming for more), because of how much we both have enjoyed his books and that he was / is my favorite author for 25+ years... just my kinda pet among pets.

Since I nearly never re-read a book I have already read, more than storing, I wish I knew a more user friendly / legal way to share my own copies (audible!).
Everytime I think of audio, I always think it must be a CD or cassette. Lol. Basically, it's like a song on an Ipod that reads to you instead of sings, right?
For years, my audio books are something I listen to on my "smart phone". My blackberry previously and for a few years on my iPhone. I do give my "Audible" account a workout, but also have other MP3 format audiobooks that transfer over to the iPhone (acting, I think -- though I'm not that cool -- as an iPod). I have different blue tooth speakers in our house and my car stereo also sill "synch up" so I can listen on the road. At this point, I can say I probably won't "crack a book" for fun when it comes to reading. For me, it has GOT to be available in unabridged audio format...

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