My mom bought a mini weanling from some wealthy well to do people that raise Quarter Horses and some "exotics" in this area. They had the minis out with the Quarter Horse weanlings which is fine except they fed them all out of big horse feeders. The minis, Tansy and her mom, got what fell on the ground. Which wasn't much evidently. Tansy was so sad, small, skinny, her skin felt like rawhide, and she had a terrible pot belly. They had let their kids halter break her and she was broken!! She was 8 months old when we got her, I brought her home the day I saw her in the back of a pickup truck. (We live close to these people, unfortunately. I called them this year and offered to buy whatever mini babies they had, but for "some" reason the mares didn't settle! Phew!) Anyway, Tansy was about 25" tall when we got her, she is now close to 34". She is going to be 3 in September. We had the vet out right away to tell us how to feed this poor baby and she of course had blood sucking lice, regular lice and every other kind of bugs and worms! We powdered her, wormed her, with the help of the vet, and just gave her a lot of love and attention. My mom slept in the goat shed we had for her, the first couple of nights. Well this mare, Tansy is still sickly sometimes. She gets goopy eyes and acts a bit lethargic, only sometimes though. We just wanted to know if she needs a couple more years to build up her immune system. I realize that all horses are different, but is there a time line that we could be following? My mom would like to breed her, but we feel that she isn't strong enough immune wise. We've considered spaying her, because when she cycles her eyes get goopy and such. What is your guys' advice on this? Here is a picture of her now (well last summer). She has filled out a bit more this year and is a little bit taller. Her neck is more round now.
Thanks for any and all help you can give!!!

Thanks for any and all help you can give!!!