I don't think Obama backers are sitting here waiting for their check but I do realize that I'm really poor if alot of the forum people make $120,00 a yr, I may be a welfare case, I'm lucky to make $25,000 a yr as most people in this area make. Alot of factorys here make $9-$10 an hour. I know people who go to the bread store to buy sacked up old bread for animals but then dig through it and thats' what the family eats for the week ( they have jobs and 4 kids) and they are not sitting waiting for their check either, they're full of hope that maybe our country can make some kind of a change for the better.
Maybe the reason we want Obama is because we really do hope for change. If they don't change the foreign policy on jobs, WI will lose 574,000 higher paying jobs in the next ten yrs. McCain voted against equal rights for women. He is still planning on giving big oil big breaks. I don't want people to have to pay tax on the medical insurance they recieve from their job, I know some people who are on such a tight budget, they'd probably have to drop their insurance as they could no longer afford it. McCain is proposing this. I don't think Social Security should be privatized, maybe it's not that we're sitting here waiting for our free checks, maybe it's that we actually do like Obamba's ideas better.
And in 07 McCain did say that if he gets this far, he'd never run a dirty campaign, if people don't see that this is exactly what he's doing, listen. As a last desparate attempt, he's trying to scare the people and it is working with some, especially the old people. So no, people I know who are voting and absolutely praying that Obama gets elected are not waiting for their checks, they are hard working people, hoping some one can some day turn this country back into a great country again and maybe other countrys won't be laughing and hating us.
Now if I posted when I shouldn't have, I'm sorry, whoever called me a bird or chicken or something like that, I don't recall, I didn't even know what you meant, speak English.
The point of my post is to let people know that Obama backers are to busy trying to make a living to be sitting here waiting for a check.