Now Now Foxy just settle down.
I know,..(sniff,sniff),...I am trying really hard to calm(sniff),..down,...
Sorry Amanda,...It is just that,.(sniff,sniff),.......My bulbs mean the world to me!,...
After their mother,..'Mrs.Hottie Bulb,.......met with her untimely death,.......When my hubby "Fred,..accidently bit into the wrong cord,....and made her blow a "FLUSE"

We actually had to go to marrige counselling for that one! :deadhorse2:
Well these 2 little baby bulbs that she left behind,..has been my pride and joy,.....
You see,...Their mom was a beautiful BL (bright light) division,...and she was totally regristered with the American light bulb assocation,.....but,....(sniff,sniff)
'Little Shiny' :517: and little,..'Not-so-Bright' :517: ,....could only be regristered in the NSBL,(not so bright light) division,....and I try to protect them ,..because I am scared that their pride is hurt enough now,..not being able to follow in their mama's foot,..errrrr ,.....bulb steps!
So you see,......I didnt mean to Blow,...(pardon the pun) and I will try to control myself in the future.
: :lol: :aktion033:
Edited to add,... A quote from Dimimore,
Seems like once a year someone give the forum a gift like this. All I can say is thank you from the bottom of my poor bulbless heart.
ALL HAIL Sue.C ,...ALL HAIL!!!!!!!! :worshippy: :aktion033: :aktion033: