How Many of You Have Mini's on Small Property??

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2002
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I am so envious of those of you who have farms and ranches and acres of property. I live in a residential area on 1/2 acre. My minis are housed in 2 stalls, each being 16 x 18. Our plan when we bred our two mares was to keep one baby and sell the other. Well....having helped birth both babies, I feel like they are my own children and the mere thought of giving one up makes my stomach turn!

We have a turnout in the back which is a sand area that they can run around in and the front yard is planted with pasture grass and we let them out everyother day. Prior to the births, we take them for long walks about 3-4 times a week. I being fair in keeping both babies? Do others have small property and have 4 horses?
I only have just over an acre of land. My horses might have about a 1/4 of it as pasture. Currently I have 3 but will be down to 2 shortly. I have a small barn with one horse size stall cut in 1/2 and they go in eacah night.

If you go to my website you can see the barn in the building stages. I need to update it with newer pictures.
Well I was unfortunately kicked off my property for reasons that are not my fault (owner wanted his son to live there) but I had 3 acres of land with a barn, 1 stall, 3/4 of the barn the owner was using for his stupid bull so I was cramped into just 1/4 of the barn but I did get a 100' x 50' fenced in area in front of it. There I got my first three miniature horses and they lived comfortably in that area for almost 6 months! I wasn't allowed to expand any more fencing or use any more of the 3 acres, however, I was expected to mow it...funny huh?

Now I am glad my mini's stay at my parents very nice ranch =) But the point here is that as long as you are happy with where your mini's are and feel that they aren't cramped (walking over each other to get to the food or water) then they are happy to be with you right where they are =)

This is where I kept 3 mini's for a while:

first I think it is what is the codes there how many are you allowed? the key is turn out time IMO

I know some who have 1 acre to 1.5 acre with 20 + horses
How big is your turnout area? Also, I would consider splitting the stalls so everyone can have their own... 8X18 or 9X16 or whatever, those would still be BIG stalls to most people! If your turnout area is big enough for everyone to get along with no squables and have room to move and do a bit of running then I don't think you'd be out of line to keep all 4 horses. If they don't have room for all 4 to get a good run, then maybe split their turnout for part of the time so they can "play" in pairs and then just hang out all 4 together the rest of the time?

Just wanted to add my horses turnout is about 40 or 50 by 80ish feet or something like that, I've never measured. I'd feel comfortable turning out 3 or 4 minis who got along together out there, provided they all got seperate time for exercise when they didn't have to worry about bumping into anyone :p
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:aktion033: Yah! Thanks for your thoughts and experiences. I think you're right about knowing my horses are happy. They absolutely are as they are part of the family and they know they are loved. Once the babies are big enough, we periodically trailer them to an equestrian park where we can turn them out into a huge arena for a really good run. They kick it out for about 15 minutes and then get to whinny at the "big" horses they see.

Thanks again!
I'm in Burbank, CA where we also have small parcels of property. We are zoned for 2 horses per lot...but...most of us have more than 2 horses.

As long as the property and horses are well kept, no one complains.

Liz R.
I also have a small lot. It is slightly bigger than yours, at almost 3/4 of an acre. I have 4 horses here, three are big horses and one mini. I have three 24x24 corrals and a 100x120 turnout/arena. My horses do well. Each horse has its own turnout time (except 2 that go out together) for about 8hrs a day. I do have one big gelding who is young and rambunctious and I don't feel I have enough room to turn him out with another young rambunctious gelding (but I dont have another one, so no real problem). I don't think you will have any problems having 4 minis on a 1/2 acre. L
With the setup you have and the time you spend with your minis, you should be fine to keep them if that's what you want. The thing I hate to see is a horse standing in a 12x12 and no one EVER turning them out or taking them out :no: . You sound like you have things planned out pretty well and I can't see any reason for you to not keep them all, healthy and happy
You would need to check with Planning and Zoning to see what you are allowed. Each area may be completely different on what you are allowed to keep.
I am very spoiled in that I have ten acres but, honestly, I am beginning to wish I had someone to share it with as I have grass coming out of my ears and I have just had a ruthless cut back on numbers- perhaps I could ship you some over??

I could not even imagine having as little an amount of land as you, BUT I know others have far less and their horses are certainly at the very least as well looked after as mine!!

You could have 200 acres and take far less care than you do, and you never know where you will be in a couple of years time!!

I would keep them- it sounds as if you are set to, anyway- BUT do NOT put the mares back in foal until you have convinced other members of the family that you need a little more land!!

Good Luck!!!
Best thing to do is check with your Town Hall or Community to see what the land requirements are for horses on your property. Basically that would be the starting place to find out.
I live in a residential area too and currently have three minis , they have a stall that is 20 X 20 divided into three nice stalls , one stall is smaller because is houses my dwarf , the horses have a dry lot and also get turned out in my yard and the neigbors.....I havent had a problem with not enough grass..I have less than a 1/2 acre....they are worked 15 mins twice a day (my two show horses) and are being shown every other weekend .....

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