How many sets of clippers do you really need,lol.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2008
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Indiana, United States
I went to a horse and tack sale Saturday and bid on a set of clippers,new in the box. They were nothing fancy just a cheap set, paid 12.50 for them so I bought 2.Then 2 used clippers come up and they sold for 15.00 for both and I bought them to_One was a older oster a5 golden 2 speed or something and a no name. So then I won a set of andis agc for 81.00 on ebay
.My husband says how many clippers do you need? My answer is 5,lol.
Nope, you missed on that one. The limit is 4, it says so in the rulebook. I'm happy to help you out though, if you'd like to get rid of that set of Oster Golden A5's...
I say at least 3 pair... I have a pair of Clipmasters on the way (great for woolie removal), already own a pair of Wahl KM-2 (bought them when I only had one to remove woolies, but really good for clean up clipping) and one pair of cordless.

Although, if they are a smaller pair, then 2 or 3 just of those, so one set can cool off while you use another set.
We have 4 . A set of sheep sheers that we use to take the winter woolies off. Then a battery pair we use on face and a electric clipper we can use for face and legs and then the double K Had a tiny pair for just wiskers and around eyes but sometimes they do not work . Had them for 12 years.
Probably 1 with a person that has a better back than me to operate it. I bought an Oster and I have 2 blades, a 10 and a 30 and I am terrible at it. Not too bad at shampooing, but awful at clipping. Honestly, the 2 women that groom a couple of my furry dogs also own and clip their own horses. They say Double K's are the only way to go. I am seriously thinking about offering them my soul to come out and groom my horses. Especially my little 2009 filly that had steel plates put in her front legs. She will probably render me unconscious. She views me as her one and only playmate. Those front legs cannot bend but she can sure rare up and give you some kungfufighting.
But with all she went through I just keep talking the baby talk to her and singing her favorite songs whilst she clubs away at me. She is so furry she looks prego at 8 months. She looks like a pot bellied buffalo-pig but she probably is actually going to be much leaner than expected when the shag carpet comes off of her. On a serious note other people that have Double K's say they are worth their weight in gold.
I have 3 if you count the tiny battery operated ones I can't find. I could use a couple more since I just might need them. I love being prepaired.
She is so furry she looks prego at 8 months. She looks like a pot bellied buffalo-pig but she probably is actually going to be much leaner than expected when the shag carpet comes off of her.
I have one of these, and I can't wait to try my new Clipmasters on her come warm weather (like late May); I'm dying to see what's under all the fuzz.
how about 7? Although I have an excuse! Im a dog groomer and I HAVE to have the newest clippers, its makes my work easier, right?
You're on the right track...the more the better. Lots of clippers, lots of blades -

it's an efficiency thing, right? Always have something on hand that is cool and

ready to go...... That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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