How many tired people on here have mares @

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One down twenty-five more to go.
Holy smokes!
Twenty five more???? Are you serious? How do you DO it?!

Love seeing pictures of the babies, mare stare never works for me so make sure everyone shares when the little ones arrive!!!!

[SIZE=12pt]Yep.... I'm serious twenty-five more. [/SIZE]

We camp out in our barn at the beginning of our season until the end, which will be September. My husbands great he keeps me company although he's usually snoring. Ha! Oh well can't have everything.

I strap two large cots together and put tons of down comforters on them for comfort for those cold winter nights that we get here occasionally. Then I set them up in the middle of the barn so I can see every mare. I tend to have insomnia now that I'm older so thank goodness for my wireless laptop and the ability to watch DVD's on it. I typically watch movies and read all evening. When I need to get a little rest my husband keeps an eye on the girls for me.

My friend Susan Hallmark actually sold me her system last year that she utilized in her facility but I just haven't committed to the electricians quote to install it. $$,$$$$.$$ Maybe next year, budgets tight.

Our foaling ratio is EXCELLENT.....
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& 339, here. So far I have not lost any sleep, they are not bagged fully. Lailah, the one that is 338, is more full and probably about halfway there by the udder development...I'd say she will go within a week?

Due dates are the 14th and 15th...Cherry is one day ahead, but a soft, flaccid bag.

Hey Kimberlye, Didn't know that was you. It is a lot of fun when you have that many isn't it. We have the four on the ground and 27 more to go. For us as I am sure with you folks it is a labor of love though isn't it.

Susan & Denny are neat people aren't they!! We saw Susan a few months ago, but Denny has been too busy fishing to be at the horses shows lately I think LOL .

Keep at it, we only get to go around once they say. By the way who did you put your Sir Granson with for the season.
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Holy cow
Kim & Terry, no foaling system, sleeping in the barn all spring/summer - THAT is total dedication. I did that back in the old days before technology stepped in and helped, granted there is nothing quite like being there, but without some sleep I would be a complete and total idiot (as opposed to just being a bit strange

We have 2 Prince colts and won't be expecting any more babies till April, then 3 then more, and a couple late in the summer - all in all a fairly small number - maybe 7 total for me.

Good luck everyone!

Hey Kimberlye, Didn't know that was you. It is a lot of fun when you have that many isn't it. We have the four on the ground and 27 more to go. For us as I am sure with you folks it is a labor of love though isn't it.

Susan & Denny are neat people aren't they!! We saw Susan a few months ago, but Denny has been too busy fishing to be at the horses shows lately I think LOL .

Keep at it, we only get to go around once they say. By the way who did you put your Sir Granson with for the season.

[SIZE=12pt]Best of luck on your remaining 27.... I wouldn't have had it any other way. It's actually been a blessing in disguise. Since I'm with the mares 24/7 it has given me the perfect opportunity to know exactly how each one of them behaves during the process and what changes have transpired with each of them. I typically place the expecting mare in the barn at 300 days. [/SIZE]

Yep, Susan and Denny are two of my favorite people....

We put our "Sir" grandson "Sacred Profit" with Josh. We also gelded him since we have two others colts that are with them and they'd have been in the same class.
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Holy cow
Kim & Terry, no foaling system, sleeping in the barn all spring/summer - THAT is total dedication. I did that back in the old days before technology stepped in and helped, granted there is nothing quite like being there, but without some sleep I would be a complete and total idiot (as opposed to just being a bit strange
We have 2 Prince colts and won't be expecting any more babies till April, then 3 then more, and a couple late in the summer - all in all a fairly small number - maybe 7 total for me.

Good luck everyone!


[SIZE=12pt]Yep, so just think next season I'm going to know little miss "Mountain Meadows Amirs Malakeh" more than she'd like as well. Ha! [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]I don't disagree, technology is great but the sound of $$,$$$$.$$ is disappointing. You caught those digits didn't you. Oh by the way I forgot to place the dollar sign in front of it.
Holy what!!!
Not quite at 300 yet but Sahara is 244 days today and is looking quite huge!!! I will be putting her on camera in a couple of months or so unless she "tells me" differently!
We have a maiden that is a few days from 300 and is starting a bag. It is in what we call the "taco" shape and some mornings has been quite firm as well as her glands swollen and hard. We expect her to go early since it is her first and she is pretty tiny...body wise, she is 31.5 " tall. We are so excited since this is a Buck Echo granddaughter crossed with our beloved Harley!!! LOL (for those of you that know him) Then we have another mare that is about a 10 days behind her but is a typical 334 type mare so should go end of March beg. April. We anticipate that one as well since a full sister went World Top Ten 3Xs!! Will be nice to be done with foaling by the first part of April!!

Kim and Liz.....I so cannot wait to see what your mares are cookin!!
I have a maiden 28.5" mare that is getting close to her 300 day and I have been watching her and checking her constantly already especially since I had my other maiden mare abort yesterday I am going to be watching her like a hawk!
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We have 1 that is 350 days, been bagged, milking and up down, rolling, biting sides since Jan 2! Just waiting

4 others between 300 - 305, 1 bagging
My 2 are about 290 days, so still have a way to go. . .they are due about a week apart from each other. Fingers crossed. . .

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