my daughter symone is nearly seven,and every day because its the summer holidays,she comes rushing in saying can i have! a pound for sweets for me and my friend, so ill give her a pound,next thing is the poke man comes round with his music playing its hot and all the kids are rushing in to there moms asking,"can i have a pound for a poke" i usually give in and give her it, but when this goes on every day, I'm going to be out a fortune before summers over
SO!! should i give her pocket money? so she can decide what to spend it on, or should i just give her money when she wants something? HOW MUCH POCKET MONEY SHOULD A NEARLY SEVEN YEAR OLD GET A WEEK?? i haven't a clue
: i dint want to be stingy or too generous, she a great kid, very polite and does not get into trouble, she cleans her room etcetera and never cheeks me up,so I'm just in a quandary lol what would you do???? thanks as always :bgrin