Ash did you ever consider buying yourself a few acres and building your own place right where you want it? It could be a cheaper option for you.
Ashley there are lots of great old homes built decades ago when builders built and took pride in it.
My home in Connecticut was built at the turn of the century by my ancestors and it was amazing; carved ceilings, balconies, stained glass windows and loads of beautiful trim work. My dad never had any major problems with the basic upkeep. It was an amazing home.
What I am living in now which is a 1950 home is VILE!
Back then up here in the mountains there was no building code and mountaineers used whatever they had to build with, the trees on their property. This home is literally hanging by a limb. We have restored it here and there, new ceilings, floors, roof, kitchen, ........oh, there is no foundation........that is supposed to be charming though. We had to re-do all the wiring, plumbing etc and it is non stopping. Hus knew this but beings a general contractor he actually enjoys this but I don't. I'm sick of it. It it nickle and diming us to death. Everytime I turn around something else has happend. I've had the septic tank back up and explode into my bathtub........that is pretty much the worst thing that happened. And you do not want to know what my walls are insullated with but I can tell you, it's smelling up the place big time. Now I have my bedroom celing speaking to me in ways that is scarring me. Walking down my hallway is like a going through a fun house at a carnival because it is always moving and something very funky is going on in the bathroom that I refuse to discuss in public. Opening up the closet doors are like a journey into the next vortex; you never know if you are really ever coming out again. Our ceilings are low 6 3/4' to 7' and our doorways are not regular size, they are more narrow. Anyhow I could go on and on but I will tell you that I am sooooo done.
We will be building a small modest house in the spring, or a small mobile home I don't care about 10 feet in front of this one if I have to rob Fort Knox.
I can live in a brand new home or a tree house for the same money it is costing us to keep up with this one and live in it. Boggles the mind.
Then this one will be burnt to the ground and I get to light the match.