How small has your foals been at birth?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2006
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Ontario Canada
Just wondering with all this dwarf talk.

I had two last year 15" at birth.

The new owners of Glory Bee just email me and said, she measures 25" at a year.

Picture of her at 4 months old.

How small has your foals been at birth?

Glory Bee a.jpg
it seems as though my mini foals average 18-20 inches tall at birth, with the vast majority being 28-30 inches at a year, i have one that is very small, she was 18 inches at birth but as a yearling she is just 26 inches.
that little filly is sure pretty!
I would agree- average is 18-20"- Rabbit was 18" at birth 24" as a yearling and 28" full grown- although he looks like a small buffalo at the moment so I am guessing the fat will put an inch on him! (This is to the withers)

I also measure foals to the withers- I just don't see the point of doing it any other way and I am not sure it makes any difference in a foal, anyway

The smallest foal I have had born was 14 1/2" at birth- I did not record her weight, but would do so nowadays as weight is very relevant.

This foal was not preemie, even so I worried like anything about her.

She actually made 30" full grown!!

Tiny born does not mean tiny grown.
2006 colt = 16" sold SIRE 30.5" x DAM 29"

2008 colt = 19" sold SIRE 30.5" x DAM 29"

2009 filly = 16.5" matured at 27.75" SIRE 31.75" x DAM 32"

2010 filly = 21" passed away SIRE 31.75" x DAM 34"

2010 filly = 19" sold SIRE 30.5" x DAM 33.5"

2011 filly = 16" current height, aprox 22" SIRE 31.75" x DAM 32"
Anywhere from 15"-24" over the past 30 years. Only 1 dwarf and she was born 18.5" (achondroplasia so didn't show her dwarf symptoms until later).
Mine tend to be between 15" and 20" at birth or shortly thereafter. My tiniest was a preemie born at 283 days. We didn't measure until she was a few days old and already in the hospital, but at about 7 days she was 11lbs and 13". The vet estimated she was born under 10lbs. At 6 months, I could still pick her up. She measured in at roughly 21" at Nationals at 6 months of age. The stick only went as low as 24" so the steward was guessing based on how far the stick was above her body. She's 4 now and is about 27" tall. And nope, not a dwarf, not even close. Managed to earn a Top Ten at Nationals as a weanling in a class of 23 or more and she was by FAR the tiniest.

My tallest came out ALL legs and scared the heck out of me!
I was so shocked at what I saw, I measured him before he even stood (which I now realize doesn't tell you anything because their legs/joints compact as they stand for the first few hours) but my initial measurement had him maturing at 40" tall!
Of course that didn't happen. At 2 years of age, he's about 33" tall and still all leg, but certainly the tallest horse I've ever had born at my place and hope I never break that record!
Mine tend to be between 15" and 20" at birth or shortly thereafter. My tiniest was a preemie born at 283 days. We didn't measure until she was a few days old and already in the hospital, but at about 7 days she was 11lbs and 13". The vet estimated she was born under 10lbs. At 6 months, I could still pick her up. She measured in at roughly 21" at Nationals at 6 months of age. The stick only went as low as 24" so the steward was guessing based on how far the stick was above her body. She's 4 now and is about 27" tall. And nope, not a dwarf, not even close. Managed to earn a Top Ten at Nationals as a weanling in a class of 23 or more and she was by FAR the tiniest.

My tallest came out ALL legs and scared the heck out of me!
I was so shocked at what I saw, I measured him before he even stood (which I now realize doesn't tell you anything because their legs/joints compact as they stand for the first few hours) but my initial measurement had him maturing at 40" tall!
Of course that didn't happen. At 2 years of age, he's about 33" tall and still all leg, but certainly the tallest horse I've ever had born at my place and hope I never break that record!

Oh my that would be a shock.. and nice to hear your preemie did so well at the Nationals. would love to see a picture.
She is tiny! Two of mine started out tiny but all of mine have grown at a maddening pace. The fully grown mare is 29" at 9 years. The colt who should mature under 31" grew over 6" in four months. His canons were the same as his 29" full sister at birth, and he was by no means early. Almost all of my minis have reached their full height by their second birthday. It amazes me how fast they grow.
Here is a picture of Mira at the hospital. This was taken on about day 5 or 6. Her dam is 29" and Mira could walk under with only ducking her head; her back didn't touch her moma's tummy.


Here is a collage done for me by a forum member


The photo in the collage of her standing is from her halter class at Nationals.

Also, I don't believe she would have been born so small if she's been from a more nornal gestation like 320 days or so. Even 300 days, which is what we were shooting for at a minimum, she probably would have been taller/weighed more. Maybe not.
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Oh she was and is just adorable.. Congratulations.

She was tiny ....

Here is a picture of Mira at the hospital. This was taken on about day 5 or 6. Her dam is 29" and Mira could walk under with only ducking her head; her back didn't touch her moma's tummy.

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Never measured. All I know is that the three foals born here have been big and strong

Levi (2011) 1 day old


Levi 5 months old


Briar (2009)


Addison (2007)

The smallest we've had born here on the farm would be Teddy, our 2010 bay pinto colt. He was only 17" (if I remember right) at birth, and as a coming 2 year old is only measuring 27-28" and I do not believe he will go any taller.

Day old:


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