Depends on the mare- just like humans.
I have one mare who NEVER gets her shape back- she looks pregnant all year round.
I have mares who are just FAT!! :lol:
It completely depends on what you want to do with them.
If they are going back in foal I would leave them alone.
Whilst they are nursing a foal I would leave them alone.
If they are being fed to nurse a foal i cannot see any way they would get back in shape- it is not very high on Natures "to do" list, after all.
Milk is far more important.
My broodmares are on ad lib, knee deep grass 24/7 so I am afraid they are left to look like exactly what they are- broodmares.
Why would I diet them??
As I keep saying, IF a horse is healthy it does not matter if it is fat.
With mares with foals you just have to put all your requirements on a back burner.
And, PLEASE- before you even think of dieting a horse have a good hard, critical look at yourself in the mirror- if you are going to impose loss of food on an animal you need to be in the kind of shape to be able to look it in the eye at feed time, OR you need to go on that diet with it!!!!