How to bury son's and dogs ashes on property?

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Taylor Jo

I have my Son's ashes I brought from Ca where he was in a nitch and 2 dogs I had cremated and I now have their ashes. Does anyone have any idea's on how they would go about burying them so they wouldn't get wet and ruined on their property. I want to make a graveyard for them that if someday I need to remove them I can. I called a funeral home and just ONE container for my sons ashes is $300 and that's the cheapest. Thanks for the help. My husband said he was NO mason or carpenter. I said to build me a block type crypt but he nixed that idea. TJ
Usually cremains are buried in urns. They are made out of various materials; some are wood, some marble, some ceramic, some metal, etc. And they also make urn vaults that hold the urns they make different sizes...some are single and some are double. Your funeral home should be able to order these if they don't have them in stock.
$300 for an Urn is outrageous! Have you done some shopping for a metal or ceramic jar or box with a lid at someplace like a gift shop? You can create your OWN Urn.
Charley I checked with the funeral homes and they said the urns were $300.00 that was the most "reasonable" and that was for a single. A double that if I wanted to put the dogs and my son's ashes in together was $500, gulp.

I thought about something from a gift shop but was afraid of leakage, I thought maybe someone had done it and knew of something leak proof.

Thanks guys for the suggestions, TJ
When I owned my ceramic shop I had requests for urns. What we did was glaze inside and out then after the ashes were in they were low fired and just enough that the glaze on the lid and the jar sealed and you couldn't get it apart. Not too sure you could find someone to do that tho. Also they have bonding agents that you could seal the jar and lids together. Hope this helps.
Oh you guy's guess what, I called "Bo Peep Ceramics" and they said for $20 if I wanted them to paint it (less expensive if I did it) they would make me an urn out of a Ginger Jar. My ONLY thing is if they could make it water proof/ground proof. Other then that the price sounds right, that's for sure.....

However, if that doesn't work, I looked at the E BAY and that was GREAT too. I saw one on there for $59, and 69. SO that would be reasonable enough to put in the ground, my thing is I have "3" to put in. So I have to be mindful of that. PLUS, when my other dogs when they grow up and pass on.

I KNEW I could come on here and get help with this. I was SOOOO upset and crying. I told my husband I did NOT want to leave them in the closet, I wanted a place I could go visit and leave flowers and talk to them. So thank you, thank you so very much, you don't know how much I appreciate your help. Hugs, TJ
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You might try looking up the warehouse store and they actually do carry Urns, in quite a variety, even pet urns?..... I have never seen them in the store, but if you look up the website, it's towards the top of the page.......right next to furniture?....I know...odd, but like I said, I was quite impressed with the variety.......

Hope you find what you like, I think what you are wanting to do is an excellent idea!
Bless your heat, all my blessings and prayers to you dear.

Try water proof Caulking around the seal of what ever you decide to use. You can also go to a camping store, get water proof items there as well.

Have them glaze the ginger jar for you, then use water proof Sealer, smooth it, let it dry a bit and put another coat.

I hope that helps ~S~

Thanks about Costco if the ceramic shop doesn't work out it's an option like E Bay. Also, that's a good idea about like you and someone else said bonding (epoxy) waterproof sealer on the jar lid, I never would have thought of that. I have copied and pasted this all down and saved it so I'll remember it all. Thanks all. My husband said today he'd fix a place right out by a tree which our kitchen window labout 50' looks out of past where the birds feed, so I can look out every day and see them. I thought that was real sweet. Again, thanks I really appreciate all your help, TJ
Taylor Jo, I read your post the other day and I didn't know what to say. I'm so sorry about the loss of your son. Hugs to you.

Oh thanks Debbie, it's ok. It's not so bad anymore. It's almost been 12 years pretty soon I have my good days and bad day's about it. Of course, I say it's not so bad, then I'll have a bad day, and it will just seem like yesterday. He was 28 years old and was on a motorcycle. I "think" when it gets to me the most, is when I'm at a show and I can't share it with him and I'm all excited and I wish soooo bad he could just see how happy I am. Ya know share the moment he loved to see his mom happy. OR, I'm driving down the road and I'm talking to him and I BEG him to talk back to me and I know he can't. That's the sad part. Again, thanks for the hugs appreciate them. TJ
We sell urns at the pet/tack store I work at (we're right next to a vet). I guess pet urns are a lot cheaper! We hace really pretty metal ones where the lid screws on. I don't think they would leak, they seal really tight and the urns are really well made. We only sell outs for $90 and thats Canadian funds. Our $90 model fits a 150 lb pound dog and thats not even the biggest one we can order. We can get ones big enough for horses. Maybe you should try at pet memorial parks and see if they can offer urns at a more reasonable price? I will see if I can find these same urns that we carry online for you.

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