Well-Known Member
Maybe it's too soon to ask, as I'm still training Jazzy. I am hoping to make him my pleasure driving horse, one I can hook up and go anywhere, but I don't have that much confidence, I like staying in the pasture LOL! But for in the future, I would like to know how to start de-spooking him for parades, but not night ones, we aren't allowed to do any horse things at night parades where we live. Even if we were going to be driving in a parade, my best friend agreed to help me with leading them on the side while I'm driving, so if he spooked, she would help me settle him down. He's a really sweet boy, and trusts me to go over strange puddles and tarps and stuff like that. I just dont know if he would act the same while in harness. I don't know, time will tell I guess. I have another driving horse, Bentley, but he is a hard one to control when he is excited in harness. He has been in a parade before, and fire trucks were behind him all the way through, but I was leading him in hand...what are ya'lls thoughts? I just noticed I kind of rambled on sorry