How was the Blackfoot Show?????????

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CLC Stables

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Okay everyone how was the Blackfoot Idaho show this weekend???
Well, we just got home and unloaded and I have to say that it was a very nice, fun, show. The group down there is terrific people and they were very hospitable.

The judging was great, consistent, and cordial. I had never shown under Arlyn Storey and she was very pleasant, really enjoyed her. As always Roger Eitel was his usual fun self and Kathey Shea is always a joy to show for. The show was well run, classes ran smooth and the facility was much better than I had been told to expect so I was a happy camper.

It was hot but cooled down nicely at night for sleeping. The camping area was nice and grassy and under trees. I got to see a lot of people that I only see at Nationals usually so that was a bonus as well.

Lori G and I combined forces and took one trailer with 9 horses. With the price of gas it made sense. It was nice to spend the weekend with Lori as we are usually too busy to chat with each other and this show ended early both nights and we could kick back and do that.

We came home with about 250lbs of Idaho spuds as that was the award for Supreme. Needless to say we and our clients will all be a little heavier in Tulsa after eating all of them. LOL

I will let others fill in the blanks but I do want to say Thank you for the great show to the Snake River Miniature Horse Club.
Well annette glad you ALL made it home safe and sound
Was so good to see you and Lori and Jessica again you guys always make it SO FUN. By the way the girls that came with you were great and lots of fun as well!

It was a wonderful show and always is.. was over 115 horses last count I heard and lots of fun. It is a very laid back good time, pot luck dinner, good friends and horses who could ask for more.

Raven had a WONDERFUL show she for the first time won high point youth and was so beyond excited and yes I am one proud mom and.....

She won 2 res grand champions in the under gelding class(with casper and anyone who saw him at Nationals he really did lose tons of weight honest.. he has more to go ) the first time for her to do that and she is still on cloud nine now her goal is to make it into that supreme class

I didnt show alot (heck that is why I had raven right :lol: ) but I did do a couple of classes and faired ok for myself actually placed over a mentor of mine who I respect so much so that was a beyond thrill for me.

It is one of my favorite shows and I am already looking forward to next year if you are close enough mark it on your calanders!
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[SIZE=12pt]Believe it or not we are working on next year’s show now. We have booked the arena, checking out judges , stewards and some suckers (ooops I mean good people) to be show help. We hope everyone had a good time. It was good to see so many people and beautiful horses here in southeast Idaho. [/SIZE]

It was fun to see old friends and make new ones. We hope this show will keep growing. The show will always be the third Friday and Saturday of July. So put it on your calendar and go buy all those clearance fans from Wally World now.

There are so many people to thank that I am sure we would forget someone. All in all the show was a success.

I have to tell you that little Raven showed our little two year old filly and took all first with her in the youth classes. Wow this sweet little girl can show. I think she could show all of us a thing or two. Raven is showing her again at Nationals.

Alan and Tammi Dial

SRMHC President and his Toady
I would so love to go to this show...Walla Walla, too...I'm just going to have to get a hybrid horse hauler so we can afford the gas!
Well Frankly I'm jealous!!! :bgrin It is the first year I HAVEN'T made it! I was threatening to DRIVE bilbo there...until I found out that a class I needed to recertify my teaching certificate was that week...and by the way, it was on Saturday too!!! During the week I would have little daydreaming jags where I'd think..."Oh, Lisa is leaving today!" or "I'd be getting ready for driving classes about now!!!"

Tammi, get a stall ready for me, because I'm coming next year...that show is too fun to miss! I think I may have to take two horses to make up for missing this year! :aktion033:

Kim R.
Is there someone who could post the top winners in halter....please! mary
Mary.. what class were you wondering about? I did watch most of the halter as I was getting my horses ready we were stalled by the arena so I "may" ? remember and be able to help you out. I know Supreme under all 3 judges was a beautiful mare shown by Lori G ok well I shouldnt say I know.. it is a blur but I am almost positive...
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Actually the supreme Over horse was Sundance LB Mercedes shown by Lori G.

The Under Supreme was split 3 ways.

HHP Kiss Me Kate owned by Barbara Cochrane shown by HHP Training Center

Knight Star's Lakota Boom owned by Jessica Matheson shown by HHP Training Center

And the 3rd I believe was LV's black stallion owned and shown by her.

All I knwo is we brought home a lot of taters!
[SIZE=12pt]Those beautiful Washington horses came down and kicked our butts. And if I am going to have my butt kicked I was happy it was such beautiful animals. If Annette or Lisa didn't answer your question I can call and get you the class results you want. [/SIZE]

We had mashed potatoes for dinner last night and guess who had to go to the store and had to buy spuds????? ME! We have had a good chuckle over that one. Arena has been booked for next year for July 20th and 21st. You might get stuck in some kind of jail suit or something you never know.

So mark your calendars!

DUH i watched that class as well and saw the supreme get split up guess cause it was earlier then Over it wasnt on my brain.. sorry but yes for sure Wa brought some very nice horses and lets not forget that adorable blue roan with his new happy loving family!
Wow sounds like a blast!!Does any one have any pictures?

Yeas I am using you for pictures
: :bgrin
yeah im with tristyn i would like to see pics too!!

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