Crazy weather yesterday. We had sun, rain hail and of course wind.

Hmmm. I wonder if that will move our way? We could use a little.Raining all day and through Sunday. Horsekeys are smart enough to stay in the shelterThey were mostly dry when I fed this morning.
Actually, I think the bird was saying "good dog good dog good dog". Our dog had surgery and is having to do her business on a short leash. We keep encouraging her by saying " good dog good dog"Lovely day today after 3 days of wind and turmoil. While walking Billy I heard a mocking bird say "good job good job good job" several times!
Oh yeah. 87 one day and high of 65 today. Coat on, coat off!We had a week of beautiful days in the 70tys very little wind. Now that the weekend is here the winds are back at possible gusts of 40- 45 mph advisory lasting into next week and temps can drop 10 to 20 degrees. That's spring for you.
That weather is not good for the farmers. I would like to share some of our dry weather. We are predicted at 105 today.After weeks of precipitation rain/sprinkles/misty….it looks like Minnesota may have three straight days of dry weather - mostly- beginning on Tuesday. The first time in a month we will have had three dry days.
Lots of flooded areas in this state and crops either not planted or under water. We are fine but saturated and our neighbor hasn’t been able to get in his soybeans and probably won’t at this point.
I hope the storm holds off until Sunday. Be safeNot sure the conversion but it was 32 Celsius yesterday and today will be about the same. Haying is happening like crazy everywhere right now though. So thankful for that! We had a nice, wet spring and really made up for the lack of snow we'd had over the winter. Now we're getting the heat so hay can get dry and baled, while other crops get the heat to grow. Thunderstorms set to start tomorrow night, I believe.
I'm planning to attend a horse show on Saturday with my 2-year-old colt but I won't take him if it's thundering. I don't mind the rain because the show is inside, but not interested in hauling in lightening...