We are finally coming into a few days with nights above freezing. Even a chance of rain this week. It will be good to do some things outdoors without multiple layers of clothing!
Yes, hopefully. The poppies can be beautiful.Will the desert bloom now that it's had some rain?
Same weather we are expecting here. The wood stove will be loaded up and we have a 1000 piece jig saw puzzle in the works.22 degrees here this afternoon. We are expecting at least another 6" of snow tonightto be topped off with a couple of hours of freezing rain before daybreak....can't wait. It will also be below freezing over the next week with wind chills below 0. Not one to complain about winter, but this one has been so super cold. I live in northwest Connecticut which is in the Berkshire Mts., so we're use to the cold but, this winter I feel like I'm living in a tundra. Area in front of my barn where the horses and donks congregate is a sheet of ice. Can't wait for spring!!
You have a lot going on. I think your weather is beyond cold.We are also coming out of an awful polar vortex that tormented us for about 10 days with lows in the negative 30’s and highs of 0 or 4 above. This whole month has been a cold one and the vortex was a real challenge.
The ponies and our donkey Madelaine are doing well and as of Friday our weather has been warming up. Today we are expecting to reach 40 degrees above 0, which is 70 degrees warmer than last Monday.
Other than checking and caring for everyone In the barn, ponies, donkey. old horse, barn cats, there hasn’t been any play time.
Plus my husband has been in the hospital, followed by short term cardiac rehab for the past 4 weeks. He is coming home this week prior to returning to hospital next week for another procedure. After that, it should be all outpatient rehab. This has been complicated by the hospital being in Duluth, which is a four hour round trip from home. It is, however, an incredible hospital and we are very grateful for their care and expertise.
I look forward to our personal out patient rehab with the littles in the near future!
I do see shopping therapy in my future- all new halters, leads, grooming tools, and about 5# of chocolates.
It's pretty.