Huge XP problems, any ideas Gurus?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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My computer man is just baffled. My computer, LATUSH is sick.

She just shuts herself down at any time with no warning. Just boom, and we're down. Sometimes she boots herself back up by hersself too!

Yup, all of a sudden she is UP again.

Then sometimes she just freezes up. And the on/off switch will not let me turn it off. :DOH!

So I brought her to the computer man now 4 times and every time he hooks it up in there, nothing is wrong. He has had her all apart checking for shorts etc. and cannot find a thing wrong. She works fine

there in his shop but when I bring her home, she acts up again. I also brought her to our store in town to use for a few days there and she works good there as well. But when we come home, she acts up. We have checked for viruses and bugs continutally,and I have a lot of virus type protection and I run SPYBOT so that's not it. I got to thinking it's the stupid wiring in my house so the HUS came out with his electricity tester thingy and it's not the electricity either. It's also not the switch.

I know this sounds really stupid but seems to me I did not have these problems at all until I got a new Kodak camera and had tons of troubles with the software. Computer man says the software could be corrupt but I NEED IT, and there is no way to check for that either.

Any ideas at all???
Did you check the electricity after it goes through your surge protector? I know you have a lot of electric storms perhaps you need a new one?

I would think that if it was your Kodak software, it would do it anywhere you tried to use it.
It could be your CPU chip isn't 'seated' properly--see diagram: diagram , or it could be your power supply. Does this happen after your computer is running for a while?, or when you try and open a program? . It could also be something haywire right in the motherboard. It could also be an overheating problem somewhere--(so many things could be causing this problem).

I'll keep picking my brain and try to figure what else it could be.
I can sympathize Marty. I had a computer tech sitting right here for 6 hours yesterday. His second trip and he finally said "I'm sorry but I give up". Will be ordering a new one today.
The machine that turns itself on and off is a fairly common problem. When a computer mysteriously does this, it's a BIOS issue.

You might want to have your computer guy keep the computer for a few days and have him check the BIOS. Its really something that you don't want to mess with.
BIOS -- Basic Input Outpt Set = It checks what your system is made of so it understands its own capabilities. Fairly common to load a newer verision. Caution: if while loading a new verision the computer should go down it can cause some very major headaches. Therefore, it should only be done by an experienced tech. Very very easy & quick process if it goes well & most do.

I would agree with others here; sounds more like a software issue or it should replicate the problem where ever you try it.

Good luck.
Thanks everyone. I don't know......this computer has really gone nuts. The latest thing is that I actually had the main plug pulled and she booted herself up yet again. This time, my Michael screensaver was gone, the screensaver went back to the original XP screensaver, the one with the grass, and my time and date was turned back to November 07. All by it's itty bitty self. Boggles the mind. I am definately going to start getting everything here on disk now because I feel a kaboom coming on.
Yup, I would say it is the BIOS. I had the same problem. The thing would go on and off on its own until one day it went down and came back on and asked for a password to boot up.
What password?? So off to the tech guy it went. He tried it and it worked fine. When he went to ship it back to me, it wouldn't boot up again. So he redid the BIOS and that did the trick.
It did, however, take him a few weeks to figure out what was going on though. In the meantime, I picked up a free CPU from another tech guy to get me through and now I have my original CPU back and packed up in a box all nice and safe until my replacement CPU goes bad.
Good luck! But definitely, back up all of your stuff.


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