Huybers - Buffy's milk is at 6.0! This has got to be it!

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4pm and Buffy looking a bit restless now, but Carmel hiding at the front of her stall so can only just see her rear end.
4.30am and both girls are down, Carmel is out flat and Buffy is sternal
Ok, I dont care if it's the spot sprite, the filly fairy or the berry fairy; please just somebody bring me a foal. Buffy has been in the foaling range since Thursday night. According to the directions, she should have had her foal Saturday night (ahem Buffy that is gone and passed by us). I'm at my wits end. Ready to throw them out into the rain we are having today and let them fend for themselves. But I wont. They have to go eventually right? Buff has crystallized milk on her nipples every time I go out. I remove them and they reappear the next time I'm out. So she just has to go soon.

I have to work on Monday, please let them go today or tonight.
Nothing has changed, udders are still big, vulvas are loose, milk is ready. Buff is now waxing, and still we wait. I've got to go to work for 2 hours today, hope they dont go and pull a fast one on me while i'm gone
I'm home again now, she certainly is butt rubbing. It's just gotta be real close. I pulled a nice sized piece of wax off one of her teats when I got home. and she's sooo grumpy, not our normal loving Buffy at all
I am glad you are home Amanda cos i need a shower, it is soooooo hot here today.
Now Carmel has wax on her teats, and when I take Buffy's wax away, it reforms immediately. They just have to foal tonight. Please let them foal tonight. I can't go to work with them like this and I can't not go to work.
I will watch the girls as soon as I wake up, it should be around 1.00am
I keep saying it must be tonight, but I've said that for 3 nights now. I'm starting to think they will never foal.
They have to go soon. They might send you to work with no sleep but they HAVE to go soon. My fingers are crossed.

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