Huybers - Buffy's milk is at 6.0! This has got to be it!

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I'm back home and we had a great show. This was the first time I've ever taken Daisy to a show and she was awesome. She took everything in stride! So glad to be back home where I can keep an eye on my girls again though. Thanks to all that watched them for me.
Glad to hear that you had a good time - good to have you home safe and sound!
hows she doing Amanda? Any changes?
just small changes so far. Carmel's udder is a little fuller, and her flank is much less full, so looks like baby is moving downward. She looks less preggers from behind now. Milk is unchanged from last week though. I think we have a week or two left in both her and Buffy. Carmel at day 302 and Buffy is at 298.
just left a msg... :s I hope you got it Amanda... iwas ringing from work so I had to be quiet LOL

not sure if I should ring the work number...
No the work number would only be for daytime and if it looks like someone is going to foal immediately. At night my home number is the one to call. I heard the phone ring and reset the cam right away. Sorry about that, I'm not sure why it does that every now and then. Thanks for keeping an eye open Cassie.
So glad you got the cam sorted - I'm sure that sometimes there are hitches with the connections somewhere.

Sounds as though the girls are progressing nicely Amanda.
Hi Amanda, sorry I can't get your cam up again... :s I've tried refreshing a few times but its still a black screen... sorry.

oh and I'm glad you got my call yesterday, I rang your home number ( I was ringing from my work number lol)

your very welcome, while I'm in the office I can watch pretty much all day
Cassie, I was out picking up my daughter from work so didn't get the cams up until 10pm my time. They should be up for you now.
Amanda I just saw on the chat that Carmel got out
naughty girl, sorry I was out trying to madly put the horses rain rugs on them as it poured down again
glad they were able to give you a call and get it sorted... I noticed you posted saying that her udder had increased?
Yup her udder is firming up quite nicely. It has what I call the "squared feel" now. That's where the sides of the udder have that sharp angle where the top bit goes straight up and the you get a 90 degree angle into the bottom part of the udder. LOL, if that makes any sense to anyone. So progress is being made but I dont think she's in a big rush yet.

Yes, the bad thing, got out of her stall last night and when I went to the barn to see what she was up to, she had her head in my daughter's show horse's stall and they were mutual groooming. Guess she wanted some friendly company as Buffy is the alpha mare is above fraternizing with sweet little Carmel.
NO harm done as she didn't get into anything that would cause her harm. She's getting a new latch on her door today! That'll fix her.
Bit of new info here. Carmel's got jelly butt and her 'v' has arrived. So we are making lovely progress. And she has a new latch on her stall door, so no more escaping in the middle of the niight.

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